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a line at right angles to the base

  • 1 right

    right [raɪt]
    droite1 (a)-(c) droit1 (d), 2 (a), 2 (b), 3 (a), 3 (i) bien1 (e), 3 (e)-(h), 7 (b), 7 (c), 7 (h) bon3 (b), 3 (c) juste3 (b), 3 (d), 7 (b), 7 (e) vrai3 (j) redresser4 (a), 4 (b) se redresser5 à droite7 (a) tout de suite7 (g)
    1 noun
    (a) (in directions) droite f;
    look to the or your right regardez à droite ou sur votre droite;
    keep to the or your right restez à droite;
    take a right tournez à droite;
    he was seated on your right il était assis à ta droite;
    from right to left de droite à gauche
    the right la droite;
    the right is or are divided la droite est divisée;
    to be to or on the right être à droite;
    he's to the right of the party leadership il est plus à droite que les dirigeants du parti
    (c) (in boxing) droite f;
    with a right to the jaw d'une droite à la mâchoire
    (d) (entitlement) droit m;
    to have a right to sth avoir droit à qch;
    she has a right to half the profits elle a droit à la moitié des bénéfices;
    to have a or the right to do sth avoir le droit de faire qch;
    you've no right to talk to me like that! tu n'as pas le droit de me parler ainsi!;
    you have every right to be angry tu as toutes les raisons d'être en colère;
    by what right? de quel droit?;
    what right have you to do that? de quel droit faites-vous cela?;
    right of abode droit m de séjour;
    right of asylum droit m d'asile;
    the right to vote/to know le droit de vote/de savoir;
    the right to life le droit à la vie;
    right of reply droit m de réponse ou de rectification;
    he's American by right of birth il est américain de naissance;
    as of right de (plein) droit;
    I know my rights je connais mes droits;
    the rights of man les droits mpl de l'homme;
    you'd be within your rights to demand a refund vous seriez dans votre (bon) droit si vous réclamiez un remboursement;
    American read him his rights (on arresting a suspect) prévenez-le de ses droits;
    she's rich in her own right elle a une grande fortune personnelle;
    he became a leader in his own right il est devenu leader par son seul talent
    (e) (what is good, moral) bien m;
    to know right from wrong faire la différence entre le bien et le mal;
    to be in the right être dans le vrai, avoir raison;
    he put himself in the right by apologizing il s'est racheté en s'excusant
    rights droits mpl;
    mineral rights droits mpl miniers;
    film/distribution rights droits mpl d'adaptation cinématographique/de distribution;
    to hold the translation rights to a book détenir les droits de traduction d'un livre;
    all rights reserved tous droits réservés
    (application or subscription) rights droits mpl de souscription
    to put or to set to rights (room) mettre en ordre; (firm, country) redresser; (situation) arranger;
    I'll soon have this kitchen set to rights j'aurai vite fait de remettre de l'ordre dans la cuisine;
    to put or to set the world to rights refaire le monde
    (a) (indicating location, direction) droit;
    raise your right hand levez la main droite;
    he's my right hand c'est mon bras droit;
    the right side of the stage le côté droit de ou la droite de la scène;
    take the next right turn prenez la prochaine à droite;
    would you like to try the right shoe? (in shop) vous voulez essayer le pied droit?
    (b) (accurate, correct → answer, address) bon; (→ prediction) juste, exact;
    the weather forecasts are never right les prévisions météo ne sont jamais exactes;
    he didn't give me the right change il ne m'a pas rendu la monnaie exacte;
    have you got the right change? avez-vous le compte exact?;
    is this the right house? est-ce la bonne maison?, est-ce bien la maison?;
    the station clock is right l'horloge de la gare est juste ou à l'heure;
    have you got the right time? est-ce que vous avez l'heure (exacte)?;
    that can't be right ça ne peut pas être ça, ça ne peut pas être juste;
    the sentence doesn't sound/look quite right la phrase sonne/a l'air un peu bizarre;
    there's something not quite right in what he says il y a quelque chose qui cloche dans ce qu'il dit;
    to be right (person) avoir raison;
    you're quite right! vous avez bien raison!;
    the customer is always right le client a toujours raison;
    you were right about the bus schedules/about him/about what she would say vous aviez raison au sujet des horaires de bus/à son sujet/sur ce qu'elle dirait;
    I was right in thinking he was an actor j'avais raison de penser que c'était un acteur;
    am I right in thinking you're German? vous êtes bien allemand, ou est-ce que je me trompe?;
    you're the eldest, am I right or is that right? c'est (bien) toi l'aîné, ou est-ce que je me trompe?;
    I owe you $5, right? je te dois 5 dollars, c'est (bien) ça?;
    and I'm telling you you still owe me £10, right! et moi je te dis que tu me dois encore 10 livres, vu?;
    he's sick today, right? il est malade aujourd'hui, non?;
    that's right c'est juste, oui;
    he got the pronunciation/spelling right il l'a bien prononcé/épelé;
    she got the answer right elle a donné la bonne réponse;
    I never get those quadratic equations right je me trompe toujours avec ces équations quadratiques;
    he got the time right but the date wrong il ne s'est pas trompé d'heure mais de date;
    make sure you get your figures/her name right faites attention de ne pas vous tromper dans vos calculs/sur son nom;
    place the document right side down/up placez le document face en bas/vers le haut;
    the right side of the material l'endroit m du tissu;
    turn the socks right side in/out mettez les chaussettes à l'envers/à l'endroit;
    he's on the right side of forty il n'a pas encore quarante ans;
    to get on the right side of sb s'insinuer dans les bonnes grâces de qn;
    you're not doing it the right way! ce n'est pas comme ça qu'il faut faire ou s'y prendre!;
    there's no one right way to go about it il n'y a pas qu'une façon de s'y prendre;
    that's the right way to approach the problem c'est comme ça qu'il faut aborder la question;
    get your facts right! vérifiez vos renseignements!;
    he got it right this time il ne s'est pas trompé cette fois-ci;
    let's get this right mettons les choses au clair;
    time proved her right le temps lui a donné raison;
    how right you are! vous avez cent fois raison!;
    to put sb right (about sb/sth) détromper qn (au sujet de qn/qch);
    he thought he could get away with it, but I soon put him right il croyait qu'il pourrait s'en tirer comme ça mais je l'ai vite détrompé;
    to put or to set right (fallen or squint object) redresser, remettre d'aplomb; (clock) remettre à l'heure; (machine, mechanism) réparer; (text, mistake, record) corriger; (oversight, injustice) réparer;
    to put things or matters right (politically, financially etc) redresser ou rétablir la situation; (in relationships) arranger les choses;
    he made a mess of it and I had to put things right il a raté son coup et j'ai dû réparer les dégâts
    (c) (most appropriate → diploma, tool, sequence, moment) bon; (→ choice, decision) meilleur;
    I think it's the right strategy je crois que c'est la bonne stratégie;
    when the time is right au bon moment, au moment voulu;
    you'll know when the time is right tu sauras quand ce sera le bon moment;
    to be in the right place at the right time être là où il faut quand il faut;
    I can't find the right word je ne trouve pas le mot juste;
    are we going in the right direction? est-ce que nous allons dans le bon sens?;
    we're on the right road nous sommes sur le bon chemin ou la bonne route;
    if the price is right si le prix est intéressant;
    the colour is just right la couleur est parfaite;
    the magazine has just the right mix of news and commentary la revue a juste ce qu'il faut d'informations et de commentaires;
    she's the right woman for the job c'est la femme qu'il faut pour ce travail;
    the right holiday for your budget les vacances qui conviennent le mieux à votre budget;
    the frame is right for the picture le cadre convient tout à fait au tableau;
    her hairdo isn't right for her sa coiffure ne lui va pas;
    teaching isn't right for you l'enseignement n'est pas ce qu'il vous faut;
    she's the right person to talk to c'est à elle qu'il faut s'adresser;
    is this the right sort of outfit to wear? est-ce la bonne tenue?;
    it wasn't the right thing to say ce n'était pas la chose à dire;
    you've done the right thing to tell us about it vous avez bien fait de nous en parler;
    he did the right thing, but for the wrong reasons il a fait le bon choix mais pour de mauvaises raisons
    (d) (fair, just) juste, équitable; (morally good) bien (inv); (socially correct) correct;
    it's not right to separate the children ce n'est pas bien de séparer les enfants;
    I don't think capital punishment is right je ne crois pas que la peine de mort soit juste;
    it is only right and proper for the father to be present il est tout à fait naturel que le père soit présent;
    do you think it's right for them to sell arms? est-ce que vous croyez qu'ils ont raison de vendre des armes?;
    I can't accept the money, it wouldn't look right je ne peux pas accepter cet argent, ça ferait mauvais effet;
    I thought it right to ask you first j'ai cru bon de vous demander d'abord;
    I don't feel right leaving you alone ça me gêne de te laisser tout seul;
    it's only right that you should know il est juste que vous le sachiez;
    I only want to do what is right je ne cherche qu'à bien faire;
    to do the right thing (by sb) bien agir (avec qn);
    British old-fashioned I hope he's going to do the right thing by you (marry you) j'espère qu'il va agir honorablement à ton égard (et demander ta main)
    (e) (healthy) bien (inv);
    I don't feel right je ne me sens pas très bien, je ne suis pas dans mon assiette;
    my knee doesn't feel right j'ai quelque chose au genou;
    a rest will put or set you right again un peu de repos te remettra;
    nobody in their right mind would refuse such an offer! aucune personne sensée ne refuserait une telle offre!;
    familiar he's not quite right in the head ça ne va pas très bien dans sa tête
    the window is still not right la fenêtre ne marche pas bien encore;
    there's something not quite right with the motor le moteur ne marche pas très bien
    (g) (satisfactory) bien (inv);
    things aren't right between them ça ne va pas très bien entre eux;
    does the hat look right to you? le chapeau, ça va?;
    I can't get this hem right je n'arrive pas à faire un bel ourlet;
    familiar to come right s'arranger
    (h) (indicating social status) bien (inv), comme il faut;
    she took care to be seen in all the right places elle a fait en sorte d'être vue partout où il fallait;
    you'll only meet her if you move in the right circles vous ne la rencontrerez que si vous fréquentez le beau monde;
    to know the right people connaître des gens bien placés;
    he went to the right school and belonged to the right clubs il a fréquenté une très bonne école et a appartenu aux meilleurs clubs
    (i) Geometry (angle, line, prism, cone) droit
    (j) British familiar (as intensifier) vrai, complet(ète) ;
    I felt like a right idiot je me sentais vraiment bête ;
    the government made a right mess of it le gouvernement a fait un beau gâchis;
    there was a right one in here this morning! on a eu un vrai cinglé ce matin!
    a right guy un chic type
    (a) (set upright again → chair, ship) redresser;
    the crane righted the derailed carriage la grue a redressé le wagon qui avait déraillé;
    the raft will right itself le radeau se redressera (tout seul)
    (b) (redress → situation) redresser, rétablir; (→ damage, injustice) réparer; (→ mistake) corriger, rectifier;
    to right a wrong redresser un tort;
    to right the balance rétablir l'équilibre;
    the problem won't just right itself ce problème ne va pas se résoudre de lui-même ou s'arranger tout seul
    (car, ship) se redresser
    come tomorrow - right (you are)! venez demain - d'accord!;
    right, let's get to work! bon ou bien, au travail!;
    right (you are) then, see you later bon alors, à plus tard;
    familiar too right! tu l'as dit!;
    familiar right on! bravo!
    (a) (in directions) à droite;
    turn right at the traffic lights tournez à droite au feu (rouge);
    look right regardez à droite;
    the party is moving further right le parti est en train de virer plus à droite;
    familiar right, left and centre (everywhere) de tous les côtés;
    familiar he owes money right and left or right, left and centre il doit de l'argent à droite et à gauche;
    familiar they're giving out gifts right and left or right, left and centre ils distribuent des cadeaux à tour de bras
    (b) (accurately, correctly → hear) bien; (→ guess) juste; (→ answer, spell) bien, correctement;
    if I remember right si je me rappelle bien;
    he predicted the election results right il a vu juste en ce qui concernait les résultats des élections
    (c) (properly) bien, comme il faut;
    the door doesn't shut right la porte ne ferme pas bien;
    nothing works right in this house! rien ne marche comme il faut dans cette maison!;
    you're not holding the saw right tu ne tiens pas la scie comme il faut;
    the top isn't on right le couvercle n'est pas bien mis;
    if we organize things right, there'll be enough time si nous organisons bien les choses, il y aura assez de temps;
    I hope things go right for you j'espère que tout ira bien pour toi;
    nothing is going right today tout va de travers aujourd'hui;
    he can't do anything right il ne peut rien faire correctement ou comme il faut;
    do it right the next time! ne vous trompez pas la prochaine fois!;
    the roast is done just right le rôti est cuit à la perfection
    the lamp's shining right in my eyes j'ai la lumière de la lampe en plein dans les yeux ou en pleine figure;
    it's right opposite the post office c'est juste en face de la poste;
    it's right in front of/behind you c'est droit devant vous/juste derrière vous;
    he parked right in front of the gate il s'est garé en plein devant le portail;
    figurative I'm right behind you there je suis entièrement d'accord avec vous là-dessus;
    I stepped right in it j'ai marché en plein dedans;
    he shot him right in the forehead il lui a tiré une balle en plein front;
    the hotel was right on the beach l'hôtel donnait directement sur la plage;
    it broke right in the middle ça a cassé juste au milieu;
    I left it right here je l'ai laissé juste ici;
    stay right there ne bougez pas
    (e) (emphasizing precise time) juste, exactement;
    I arrived right at that moment je suis arrivé juste à ce moment-là;
    right in the middle of the fight au beau milieu de la bagarre
    it's right at the back of the drawer/at the front of the book c'est tout au fond du tiroir/juste au début du livre;
    right down to the bottom jusqu'au fond;
    right at the top tout en haut;
    a wall right round the house un mur tout autour de la maison;
    he turned right round il a fait un tour complet;
    right from the start dès le début;
    move right over allez jusqu'au fond;
    his shoes were worn right through ses chaussures étaient usées jusqu'à la corde;
    the car drove right through the road-block la voiture est passée à travers le barrage;
    the path leads right to the lake le sentier va jusqu'au lac;
    the water came right up to the window l'eau est montée jusqu'à la fenêtre;
    she walked right up to me elle se dirigea tout droit vers moi;
    we worked right up until the last minute nous avons travaillé jusqu'à la toute dernière minute;
    figurative that girl is going right to the top cette fille ira loin;
    figurative you have to go right to the top if you want to get anything done il faut aller tout en haut de la hiérarchie pour arriver à quelque chose
    (g) (immediately) tout de suite;
    I'll be right back je reviens tout de suite;
    I'll be right over je viens tout de suite;
    I'll be right with you je suis à vous tout de suite;
    let's talk right after the meeting parlons-en juste après la réunion
    (h) (justly, fairly) bien; (decently, fittingly) correctement;
    you did right tu as bien fait;
    to see sb right (financially) veiller à ce que qn ne soit pas à court d'argent;
    to do right by sb agir correctement envers qn
    the Right Reverend William Walker le très révérend William Walker
    (j) British familiar (for emphasis) vachement, drôlement;
    I was right angry j'étais vachement en colère;
    it's a right cold day ça pince drôlement aujourd'hui, il fait drôlement frisquet aujourd'hui;
    she was right nice elle était bien aimable;
    I was right glad to hear it j'étais très heureux de l'apprendre
    8 by right, by rights adverb
    en principe;
    she ought, by rights, to get compensation en principe, elle devrait toucher une compensation
    (at once) tout de suite, aussitôt; (from the start) dès le début; (first go) du premier coup;
    right away, sir! tout de suite, monsieur!;
    I knew right away there'd be trouble j'ai su tout de suite ou dès le début qu'il y aurait des problèmes
    (a) (at once) tout de suite
    (b) (at the moment) pour le moment
    ►► right angle angle m droit;
    the corridors are at right angles les couloirs sont perpendiculaires;
    a line at right angles to the base une ligne perpendiculaire à la base;
    the path made a right angle le sentier formait un coude;
    Computing right arrow flèche f vers la droite;
    Computing right arrow key touche f de déplacement vers la droite;
    British Right Honourable = titre utilisé pour s'adresser à certains hauts fonctionnaires ou à quelqu'un ayant un titre de noblesse;
    the Right Honourable Member for Edinburgh West le député de la circonscription "Edinburgh West";
    Finance rights issue émission f de nouvelles actions à taux préférentiel;
    Typography right justification justification f à droite;
    British right to roam = droit d'emprunter des sentiers sur des terres appartenant à de grands propriétaires terriens;
    American Geometry right triangle triangle m rectangle;
    right of way Cars priorité f; (right to cross land) droit m de passage; (path, road) chemin m; American (for power line, railroad etc) voie f;
    it's your right of way vous avez (la) priorité;
    to have (the) right of way avoir (la) priorité;
    Zoology right whale baleine f franche;
    right wing Politics droite f; Sport (position) aile f droite; (player) ailier m droit;
    the right wing of the party l'aile droite du parti
    ✾ Book 'The Rights of Man' Paine 'Les Droits de l'homme'
    ✾ Book 'The Right Stuff' Wolfe 'L'Étoffe des héros'
    RIGHT TO ROAM Depuis toujours, une très grande partie des plus beaux endroits de la campagne britannique est interdite au public et pendant des siècles, les propriétaires terriens ont tout fait pour que la situation reste inchangée. Cependant, en mai 2000, le gouvernement travailliste introduisit le "right to roam" qui devrait ouvrir aux promeneurs plus d'1,6 million d'hectares de campagne et environ 6400 kilomètres de droits de passage. De nombreux propriétaires terriens ont exprimé leur mécontentement car ils estiment que les promeneurs abîment les cultures et perturbent le bétail mais avec les nouvelles propositions de loi, ils ne pourraient interdire le passage sur leurs terres que 28 jours par an au maximum.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > right

  • 2 line

    линия; магистраль; трубопровод; провод; кривая; линейка ( ЛА на стоянке) ; стропа ( парашюта) ; рубеж ( зоны) ; облицовывать ( изнутри)

    45° climbing line — прямолинейный набор высоты под углом 45° к горизонту

    45° diving line — прямолинейное пикирование под углом 45° к горизонту

    90° climbing line — набор высоты на вертикали, прямолинейный отвесный подъём

    90° diving line — прямолинейное отвесное пикирование

    c/4 line — линия четвертей хорд

    climbing line plus 45° angle from inverted flight with 1/2 roll to the right — набор высоты под углом 45° из горизонтального перевёрнутого полёта с выполнением правой полубочки в наборе и выходом в нормальный горизонтальный полет

    climbing line plus 45° angle from inverted flight — набор высоты под углом 45° из перевёрнутого горизонтального полёта с выходом в перевёрнутый горизонтальный полет

    climbing line plus 45° angle from normal flight with 1/2 roll to the right — набор высоты под углом 45° из нормального горизонтального полёта с выполнением правой полубочки в наборе и выходом в перевёрнутый горизонтальный полет

    climbing line plus 45° angle from normal flight — набор высоты под углом 45° из нормального горизонтального полёта с выходом в нормальный горизонтальный полет

    climbing line plus 45° angle — прямолинейный горизонтальный полет с переходом в набор высоты под углом 45° (к горизонту) и выходом в горизонтальный полет

    come on the line — вступать в действие; подключаться к системе

    diving line plus 45° angle from inverted flight with 1/2 roll to the right — пикирование под углом 45° из горизонтального перевёрнутого полёта с выполнением правой полубочки на снижении и выходом в нормальный горизонтальный полет

    diving line plus 45° angle from inverted flight — пикирование под углом 45° из перевёрнутого горизонтального полёта с выходом в перевёрнутый горизонтальный полет

    diving line plus 45° angle from normal flight with 1/2 roll to the right — пикирование под углом 45° из нормального горизонтального полёта с выполнением правой полубочки на снижении и выходом в перевёрнутый горизонтальный полет

    diving line plus 45° angle from normal flight — пикирование под углом 45° из нормального горизонтального полёта с выходом в нормальный горизонтальный полет

    diving line plus 45° angle — прямолинейный горизонтальный полет с переходом в пикирование под углом 45° к горизонту и выходом в горизонтальный полет

    interconnecting line of sight — линия прицеливания «станция наведения — цель»

    line plus 135° angles — прямолинейный полет с двумя изменениями направления на 135° (горизонтальный полет, поворот в вертикальной плоскости на угол 135°, движение под углом 45° к горизонту, поворот в вертикальной плоскости на угол 135° и выход в горизонтальный полет)

    line plus 45° angles — прямолинейный полет с двумя изменениями направления на 45° в вертикальной плоскости

    line plus 90° angles — прямолинейный полет с двумя изменениями направления на 90° (горизонтальный полет, переход на вертикаль и выход в горизонтальный полет)

    pilot's line of vision — линия визирования [направление взгляда] лётчика

    propellant tank discharge lineркт. трубопровод отвода [отбора] топлива из бака

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > line

  • 3 πρός

    πρός, Prep., expressing direction,
    A on the side of, in the direction of, hence c. gen., dat., and acc., from, at, to: [dialect] Ep. also [full] προτί and [full] ποτί, in Hom. usually c. acc., more rarely c. dat., and each only once c. gen., Il.11.831, 22.198:—dialectal forms: [dialect] Dor.[full] ποτί (q. v.) and [full] ποί, but Cret. [full] πορτί Leg.Gort.5.44, etc., Argive [full] προτ( [full] ί) Schwyzer 84.3 (found at Tylisus, V B.C.), restored in Mnemos.57.208(Argos, vi B.C.), and in Alcm.30; Arc., Cypr. [full] πός SIG306.11 (Tegea, iv B.C.), Inscr.Cypr. 135.19H., also sts. in Asia Minor in compds., v. ποσάγω, ποσφέρω; [dialect] Aeol. [full] πρός Sapph.69 ([etym.] προς-), 109, Alc.20 (s. v.l.); [full] πρές Jo.Gramm. Comp.3.10; Pamphylian περτ ([etym.] ί) Schwyzer 686.7, 686a4. (With [full] προτί, [full] πρός cf. Skt. práti 'towards, near to, against, back, etc.', Slav. protiv[ucaron], Lett. pret 'against', Lat. pretium: [full] ποτί (q. v.) and [full] πός are not cogn.) A. WITH GEN., πρός refers to that from which something comes:
    I of Place, from,

    ἵκετο ἠὲ π. ἠοίων ἦ ἑσπερίων ἀνθρώπων Od. 8.29


    τὸν π. Σάρδεων ἤλεκτρον S.Ant. 1037

    2 on the side of, towards, νήσοισι πρὸς Ἤλιδος towards Elis, Od.21.347; π. ἁλός, π. Θύμβρης, Il.10.428, 430;

    εἶναι π. θαλάσσης Hdt.2.154


    ἱδρῦσθαι π. τοῦ Ἑλλησπόντου Id.8.120


    ἐστρατοπεδεύοντο π. Ὀλύνθου Th.1.62

    , etc.; φυλακαὶ π. Αἰθιόπων, π. Ἀραβίων, π. Διβύης, on the frontier towards the Ethiopians, etc., Hdt.2.30: freq. with words denoting the points of the compass, δύω θύραι εἰσίν, αἱ μὲν π. βορέαο, αἱ δ' αὖ π. νότου one on the north side, the other on the south side, Od.13.110;

    οἰκέουσι π. νότου ἀνέμου Hdt.3.101

    ; π. ἄρκτου τε καὶ βορέω ἀνέμου κατοικημένοι ib. 102; π. μεσαμβρίης ib. 107; π. τοῦ Τμώλου τετραμμένον τῆς πόλιος (in such phrases the acc. is more common) Id.1.84;

    π. Πλαταιῶν Th. 3.21


    π. Νεμέας Id.5.59

    ; ἀπὸ τῆσδε τῆς ὁδοῦ τὸ π. τοῦ λιμένος ἅπαν everything on the harbour- ward side of this road, IG12.892: combined with π. c. acc.,

    π. ἠῶ τε καὶ τοῦ Τανάϊδος Hdt.4.122


    τὸν μέν π. βορέω ἑστεῶτα, τὸν δὲ π. νότον Id.2.121

    , cf. 4.17.
    3 before, in presence of,

    μάρτυροι ἔστων π. τε θεῶν μακάρων π. τε θνητῶν ἀνθρώπων Il.1.339


    οὐδ' ἐπιορκήσω π. δαίμονος 19.188

    ; ποίτοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος .. ὑπίσχομαι prob. in IG22.1126.7 (Amphict. Delph., iv B. C.); ὑποσχομένους πρὸς τοῦ Διός ib.1237.16: hence,
    b in the eyes of,

    ἄδικον οὐδὲν οὔτε π. θεῶν οὔτε π. ἀνθρώπων Th.1.71

    , cf. X.An.1.6.6, etc.; ὅσιος π. θεῶν Lex ap.And.1.97; κατειπάτω.. ἁγνῶς π. τοῦ θεοῦ if he wishes to be pure in the sight of the god, SIG986.9, cf. 17 (Chios, v/iv B. C.);

    ὁ γὰρ καιρὸς π. ἀνθρώπων βραχὺ μέτρον ἔχει Pi.P.4.286

    4 in supplication or adjuration, before, and so, in the name of,

    σε.. γουνάζομαι.. π. τ' ἀλόχου καὶ πατρός Od.11.67


    π. θεῶν πατρῴων S.Ant. 839

    (lyr.), etc.; ἱκετεύω, ἀντιβολῶ π. παίδων, π. γυναικῶν, etc., D.28.20, etc.: the verb is freq. omitted with π. θεῶν or τῶν θεῶν, E.Hec. 551, S.OT 1037, Ar.V. 760;

    π. τοῦ Διός Id.Av. 130

    : less freq. with other words,

    π. τῆς ἑστίας E.Fr.953.39


    π. Χαρίτων Luc.Hist.Conscr.14


    μὴ π. γενείου S.El. 1208


    μὴ π. ξενίας τᾶς σᾶς Id.OC 515

    (lyr.): sts. in questions, π. θεῶν, τίς οὕτως εὐήθης ἐστίν; in heaven's name, D.1.15;

    π. τῆς Ἀθηνᾶς.. ; Din.1.45


    ἆρ' οὖν, ὦ π. Διός,.. ; Pl.R. 459a

    , cf. Ap. 26e: sts. in Trag. with the pron. σε between prep. and case,

    π. νύν σε πατρὸς π. τε μητρός.. ἱκνοῦμαι S.Ph. 468


    μὴ π. σε γονάτων E.Med. 324

    5 of origin or descent, from, on the side of, γένος ἐξ Ἁλικαρνησσοῦ τὰ π. πατρός by the father's side, Hdt.7.99;

    Ἀθηναῖον.. καὶ τὰ π. πατρὸς καὶ τὰ π. μητρός D.57.17

    , cf. Isoc.3.42, SIG1015.7 (Halic.); πρόγονοι ἢ π. ἀνδρῶν ἢ γυναικῶν in the male or female line, Pl.Tht. 173d;

    ὁ πατὴρ π. μὲν ἀνδρῶν ἦν τῶν Εὐπατριδῶν Isoc.16.25


    οἱ συγγενεῖς τοῦ πατρὸς καὶ π. ἀνδρῶν καὶ π. γυναικῶν D.57.23

    ; οἱ π. αἵματος blood-relations, S.Aj. 1305;

    ἢ φίλων τις ἢ π. αἵματος φύσιν Id.El. 1125

    II of effects proceeding from what cause soever:
    1 from, at the hand of, with Verbs of having, receiving, etc.,

    ὡς ἂν.. τιμὴν καὶ κῦδος ἄρηαι π. πάντων Δαναῶν Il.16.85

    , cf. 1.160, etc.;

    τιμὴν π. Ζηνὸς ἔχοντες Od.11.302


    δίδοι οἱ.. χάριν ποτ' ἀστῶν καὶ ποτὶ ξείνων Pi.O.7.90


    ἄνθεα τιμῆς πρὸς θνητῶν ἀνελέσθαι Emp.4.7


    φυλακῆς π. δήμου κυρῆσαι Hdt.1.59


    τυχεῖν τινος π. θεῶν A.Th. 550

    , cf. S.Aj. 527;

    λαχὼν π. δαιμόνων ὄλβον Pi.N.9.45


    κακόν τι π. θεῶν ἢ π. ἀνθρώπων λαβεῖν Hdt.2.139

    , etc.;

    μανθάνειν π. ἀστῶν S.OC13

    : with passive Verbs, προτὶ Ἀχιλλῆος δεδιδάχθαι to have been taught by.., Il.11.831, cf. S.OT 357;

    ἄριστα πεποίηται.. πρὸς Τρώων Il.6.57

    ; αἴσχε' ἀκούω π. Τρώων ib. 525, cf. Heraclit.79;

    ταῦτα.. π. τούτου κλύειν S.OT 429


    οὐ λέγεται π. οὐδαμῶν Hdt.1.47

    ; ἀτιμάζεσθαι, τετιμῆσθαι π. τινῶν, ib.61,2.75; also

    λόγου οὐδενὸς γίνεσθαι π. τινῶν Id.1.120

    ; παθεῖν τι π. τινός at the hand of, ib.73;

    π. ἀλλήλοιν θανεῖν E. Ph. 1269

    , cf. S.OT 1237; π. τῆς τύχης ὄλωλεν ib. 949;

    τὸ ποιεύμενον π. τῶν Λακεδαιμονίων Hdt.7.209


    αἰτηθέντες π. τινὸς χρήματα Id.8.111


    ἱμέρου βέλει π. σοῦ τέθαλπται A.Pr. 650

    : with an Adj. or Subst.,

    τιμήεσσα π. πόσιος Od.18.162


    ἐπίφθονος π. τῶν πλεόνων ἀνθρώπων Hdt.7.139


    ἔρημος π. φίλων S.Ant. 919


    ἀπαθὴς π. ἀστῶν Pi.P.4.297


    πειθὼ π. τινός S.El. 562


    π. Τρώων.. κλέος εἶναι Il.22.514

    ; ἄρκεσις π. ἀνδρός, δόξα π. ἀνθρώπων, S.OC73, E.Heracl. 624 (lyr.);

    ἐλίπετο ἀθάνατον μνήμην π. Ἑλλησποντίων Hdt.4.144

    : with an Adv., οἶμαι γὰρ ἂν οὐκ ἀχαρίστως μοι ἔχειν οὔτε π. ὑμῶν οὔτε π. τῆς Ἑλλάδος I shall meet with no ingratitude at your hands, X.An.2.3.18, cf. Pl.R. 463d.
    2 of things, π. τίνος ποτ' αἰτίας [τέθνηκεν]; from of by what cause? S.OT 1236; π. ἀμπλακημάτων by or by reason of.., Id.Ant.51.
    III of dependence or close connexion: hence,
    1 dependent on one, under one's protection,

    π. Διός εἰσι ξεῖνοί τε πτωχοί τε Od.6.207

    ,14.57; δικασπόλοι, οἵ τε θέμιστας π. Διὸς εἰρύαται by commission from him, Il.1.239; π. ἄλλης ἱστὸν ὑφαίνοις at the bidding of another, 6.456.
    2 on one's side, in one's favour, Hdt.1.75, 124, S.OT 1434, Tr. 479, etc.;

    π. τῶν ἐχόντων.. τὸν νόμον τίθης E.Alc. 57

    IV of that which is derivable from: hence, agreeable to, becoming, like,

    τὰ τοιαῦτα ἔργα οὐ π. τοῦ ἅπαντος ἀνδρὸς νενόμικα γίνεσθαι, ἀλλὰπ. ψυχῆς τε ἀγαθῆς καὶ ῥώμης ἀνδρηΐης Hdt.7.153

    , cf.5.12; ἦ κάρτα π. γυναικὸς αἴρεσθαι κέαρ 'tis very like a woman, A.Ag. 592, cf. 1636;

    οὐ π. ἰατροῦ σοφοῦ θρηνεῖν ἐπῳδάς S.Aj. 581

    , cf. Ar.V. 369, E.Hel. 950, etc.;

    π. σοῦ ἐστι Id.HF 585

    , etc.;

    οὐκ ἦν π. τοῦ Κύρου τρόπου X.An. 1.2.11

    , etc.: of qualities, etc.,

    π. δυσσεβείας A.Ch. 704

    ; π. δίκης οὐδὲν τρέμων agreeably to justice, S.OT 1014, cf.El. 1211;

    οὐ π. τῆς ὑμετέρας δόξης Th.3.59

    ; ἐάν τι ἡμῖν π. λόγου ᾖ if it be at all to our purpose, Pl.Grg. 459c;

    εἰ τόδε π. τρόπου λέγω


    Id.R. 470c

    ; but π. τρόπου τι ὠνεῖσθαι buy at a reasonable price, Thphr.Char.30.12;

    τὰ γενήματα π. ἐλάσσονος τιμᾶς πωλῶν IG5(2).515.14

    ([place name] Lycosura); π. ἀγαθοῦ, π. κακοῦ τινί ἐστι or γίγνεται, it is to one's advantage or otherwise, Arist.Mu. 397a30, Arr.An.7.16.5, Hld.7.12; π. ἀτιμίας λαβεῖν τι to take a thing as an insult, regard it so, Plu.Cic.13;

    π. δέους λαβεῖν τι Id.Flam.7

    ; λαβεῖν τι π. ὀργῆς (v.l. ὀργήν) J.AJ8.1.3; μοι π. εὐκλείας γένοιτο ib. 18.7.7; τῷ δήμῳ π. αἰσχύνης ἂν ἦν, π. ὀνείδους ἂν ἦν τῇ πόλει, Lib.Decl.43.27,28.
    B WITH DAT., it expresses proximity, hard by, near, at,

    ποτὶ γαίῃ Od.8.190

    , 11.423;

    ποτὶ γούνασι Il.5.408

    ; ποτὶ δρυσίν among the oaks, 14.398 (nisi leg. περί)

    ; πρὸς ἄκμονι χαλκεύειν Pi.P.1.86

    ; ποτὶ γραμμᾷ στᾶσαί τινα ib.9.118; ἄγκυραν ποτὶ ναΐ κρημνάντων ib.4.24;

    δῆσαί τινα πρὸς φάραγγι A.Pr.15


    νεὼς καμούσης ποντίῳ π. κύματι Id.Th. 210


    π. μέσῃ ἀγορᾷ S.Tr. 371


    π. Ἀργείων στρατῷ Id.Aj.95


    π. πέδῳ κεῖται Id.OT 180

    (lyr.); θακεῖν π. ναοῖς ib.20, cf. A.Eu. 855;

    π. ἡλίου ναίουσι πηγαῖς Id.Pr. 808


    π. τῇ γῇ ναυμαχεῖν Th. 7.34

    ; ἐς μάχην καθίστασθαι π. (v.l. ὑπ')

    αὐτῇ τῇ πόλει Id.2.79


    τεῖχος π. τῇ θαλάσσῃ Id.3.105


    αἱ π. θαλάττῃ πόλεις X.HG4.8.1

    ; τὸ π. Αἰγίνῃ στράτευμα off Aegina, Th.1.105; Αίβυες οἱ π. Αἰγύπτῳ bordering on.., ib. 104; τὸ π. ποσί that which is close to the feet, before one, S.OT 130, etc.; θρηνεῖν ἐπῳδὰς π... πήματι over it, Id.Aj. 582; αἱ π. τῇ βάσει γωνίαι the angles at the base, Euc.1.5,al.;

    τὴν π. τῷ.. ιερῷ κρήνην IG22.338.13

    , cf. SIG1040.15 (Piraeus, iv B. C.), al.
    2 before, in the presence of, π. τοῖς θεσμοθέταις, π. τῷ διαιτητῇ λέγειν, D. 20.98,39.22;

    ὅσα π. τοῖς κριταῖς γέγονεν Id.21.18


    π. διαιτητῇ φεύγειν Id.22.28

    3 with Verbs denoting motion towards a place, upon, against,

    ποτὶ δὲ σκῆπτρον βάλε γαίῃ Il.1.245

    , Od.2.80;

    με βάλῃ.. ποτὶ πέτρῃ 5.415

    , cf. 7.279, 9.284;

    νῆας ποτὶ σπιλάδεσσιν ἔαξαν 3.298

    , cf. 5.401; λιαζόμενον ποτὶ γαίῃ sinking on the ground, Il.20.420;

    ἴσχοντες πρὸς ταῖς πόλεσι Th.7.35

    4 sts. with a notion of clinging closely, προτὶ οἷ λάβε clasped to him, Il.20.418;

    προτὶ οἷ εἷλε 21.507


    πρὸς ἀλλήλῃσιν ἔχονται Od.5.329


    προσπεπλασμένας.. π. ὄρεσι Hdt.3.111

    ; π. δμῳαῖσι κλίνομαι fall into the arms of.., S.Ant. 1189;

    π. τινί

    close to,

    Men. Epit. 204

    II to express close engagement, at the point of,

    π. αὐτῷ γ' εἰμὶ τῷ δεινῷ λέγειν S.OT 1169

    ; engaged in or about,

    π. τῷ εἰρημένῳ λόγῳ ἦν Pl.Phd. 84c

    , cf. Phdr. 249c, 249d;

    ἂν π. τῷ σκοπεῖν.. γένησθε D.18.176


    ἀεὶ π. ᾧ εἴη ἔργῳ, τοῦτο ἔπραττεν X. HG4.8.22

    ; διατρίβειν or σχολάζειν π. τινί, Epicr.11.3 (anap.), Arist. Pol. 1308b36 (but

    π. ταῦτα ἐσχόλασα X.Mem.3.6.6


    ὅλος εἶναι π. τῷ λήμματι D.19.127


    π. τῇ ἀνάγκῃ ταύτῃ γίγνεσθαι Aeschin.1.74

    ; τὴν διάνοιαν, τὴν γνώμην ἔχειν π. τινί, Pl.R. 500b, Aeschin.3.192; κατατάξαι αὐτὸν π. γράμμασιν, i.e. give him a post as clerk, PCair.Zen. 342.3 (iii B. C.);

    ὁ π. τοῖς γράμμασι τεταγμένος Plb.15.27.7

    , cf. 5.54.7, D.S.2.29,3.22;

    ἐπιμελητὴς π. τῇ εἰκασίᾳ τοῦ σησάμου PTeb.713.2

    , cf.709.1 (ii B. C.).
    III to express union or addition, once in Hom., ἄασάν μ' ἕταροί τε κακοὶ π. τοῖσί τε ὕπνος and besides them sleep, Od.10.68;

    π. τοῖς παροῦσιν ἄλλα

    in addition to,

    A.Pr. 323

    , cf. Pers. 531, Xenoph.8.3. Emp.59.3;

    ἄλλους π. ἑαυτῷ Th.1.90

    ; π. ταῖς ἡμετέραις [τριήρεσι] Id.6.90;

    δέκα μῆνας π. ἄλλοις πέντε S.Tr.45


    τρίτος.. π. δέκ' ἄλλαισιν γοναῖς A.Pr. 774

    ; κυβερνήτης π. τῇ σκυτοτομίᾳ in addition to his trade of leather-cutter, Pl.R. 397e: freq. with neut. Adjs., π. τῷ νέῳ ἁπαλός besides his youth, Id.Smp. 195c, cf. Tht. 185e;

    π. τῷ βλαβερῷ καὶ ἀηδέστατον Id.Phdr. 240b

    ; π. τούτοισι besides this, Hdt.2.51, cf. A.Pers. 237 (troch.), etc.; rarely in sg.,

    π. τούτῳ Hdt.1.31

    ,41; π. τοῖς ἄλλοις besides all the rest, Th.2.61, etc.:—cf. the Advb. usage, infr. D.
    C WITH ACCUS., it expresses motion or direction towards an object:
    I of Place, towards, to, with Verbs of Motion,

    ἰέναι π. Ὄλυμπον Il.1.420

    ; ἰέναι π. δώματα, etc., Od.2.288, etc.;

    ἰέναι π. ἠῶ τ' ἠέλιόν τε Il.12.239

    ; φέρειν προτὶ ἄστυ, ἄγειν προτὶ Ἴλιον, etc., 13.538, 657, etc.; ἄγεσθαιπρὸς οἶκον, ἐρύεσθαι ποτὶ Ἴλιον, 9.147,18.174; ὠθεῖν, δίεσθαι προτὶ ἄστυ, 16.45, 15.681, etc.;

    ῥίπτασκε ποτὶ νέφεα Od.8.374


    βαλεῖν ποτὶ πέτρας 12.71


    κυλινδόμενα προτὶ χέρσον 9.147

    ; ἀπῆλθε πρὸς ἑαυτόν returned to his home, LXX Nu.24.25; κληθῆναι π. τὸ δεῖπνον (rarer than ἐπὶ δεῖπνον) Plu. Cat.Ma.3.
    2 with Verbs implying previous motion, upon, against, π. τεῖχος, π. κίονα ἐρείσας, Il.22.112, Od.8.66;

    ἅρματα.. ἔκλιναν π. ἐνώπια Il.8.435


    ἔγχος ἔστησε π. κίονα Od.1.127


    ποτὶ τοῖχον ἀρηρότες 2.342


    ποτὶ βωμὸν ἵζεσθαι 22.334


    πρὸς γοῦνα καθέζετό τινος 18.395


    π. ἄλλοτ' ἄλλον πημονὴ προσιζάνει A.Pr. 278


    τὰ πολλὰ πατρὸς π. τάφον κτερίσματα S.El. 931

    ; χῶρον π. αὐτὸν τόνδ' dub. in Id.Ph.23; later,

    ἔστη π. τὸν στῦλον LXX 4 Ki.23.3


    ὁ ὄχλος π. τὴν θάλασσαν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς ἦσαν Ev.Marc.4.1

    ; π. ὑμᾶς παραμενῶ with you, 1 Ep.Cor.16.6;

    ἐκήδευσαν τὸν.. πατέρα.. π. τοὺς λοιποὺς συγγενεῖς



    ([place name] Cotiaeum).
    b of addition,

    ποὶ τὰν στάλαν ποιγραψάνσθω τάδε SIG56.46

    (Argos, v B. C.);

    ἵππον προσετίθει πρὸς τοὔνομα Ar.Nu.63

    , cf. Hdt.6.125, X.HG1.5.6, Pl.Phlb. 33c, Arist.Rh. 1359b28; προσεδαπάνησε π. τὸ μερισθὲν αὐτῷ εἰς τὸ ἔλαιον ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων over and above the sum allotted to him, IG22.1227.9; προσετέθη π. τὸν λαὸν αὐτοῦ was gathered to his people, LXX Ge.49.33.
    3 with Verbs of seeing, looking, etc., towards,

    ἰδεῖν π. τινά Od.12.244

    , al.; ὁρᾶν, ἀποβλέπειν π. τι or τινά, A.Supp. 725, Ar.Ach. 291, etc.;

    ἀνταυγεῖ π. Ὄλυμπον Emp.44

    ; στάντε ποτὶ πνοιήν so as to face it, Il.11.622 (similarly, πέτονται πρὸς τὸ πνεῦμα against the wind, Arist.HA 597a32); κλαίεσκε π. οὐρανόν cried to heaven, Il.8.364: freq. of points of the compass, π. ζόφον κεῖσθαι lie towards the West, Od.9.26;

    ναίειν π. ἠῶ τ' ἠέλιόν τε 13.240


    στάντα π. πρώτην ἕω S.OC 477

    ; so in Prose,

    π. ἠῶ τε καὶ ἡλίου ἀνατολάς Hdt. 1.201

    , cf. 4.40;

    π. βορέην τε καὶ νότον Id.2.149

    ; also

    ἀκτὴ π. Τυρσηνίην τετραμμένη τῆς Σικελίης Id.6.22

    (v. supr. A. 1.2); π. ἥλιον facing the sun, and so, in the sunlight, Ar.V. 772; so π. λύχνον by lamplight, Id. Pax 692, Jul.Ep.4;

    π. τὸ λύχνον Hippon.22

    Diehl, cf. Arist.Mete. 375a27;

    πὸτ τὸ πῦρ Ar.Ach. 751


    πρὸς τὸ πῦρ Pl.R. 372d

    , cf. Arist.Pr. 870a21; π. φῶς in open day, S.El. 640; but, by torch-light, Plu.2.237a.
    4 in hostile sense, against,

    π. Τρῶας μάχεαι Il.17.471


    ἐστρατόωνθ'.. π. τείχεα Θήβης 4.378

    ; π. δαίμονα against his will, 17.98;

    βεβλήκει π. στῆθος 4.108


    γούνατ' ἐπήδα π. ῥόον ἀΐσσοντος 21.303


    χρὴ π. θεὸν οὐκ ἐρίζειν Pi.P.2.88


    π. τοὐμὸν σπέρμα χωρήσαντα S.Tr. 304


    ἐπιέναι π. τινάς Th.2.65


    ὅσα ἔπραξαν οἱ Ἕλληνες π. τε ἀλλήλους καὶ τὸν βάρβαρον Id.1.118


    ἀγωνίζεσθαι π. τινά Pl.R. 579c


    ἀντιτάττεσθαι π. πόλιν X.Cyr.3.1.18

    : also in argument, in reply to,

    ταῦτα π. τὸν Πιττακὸν εἴρηται Pl.Prt. 345c

    ; and so in the titles of judicial speeches, πρός τινα in reply to, less strong than κατά τινος against or in accusation, D.20 tit., etc.;

    μήτε π. ἐμὲ μήτε κατ' ἐμοῦ δίκην εἶναι Is.11.34

    5 without any hostile sense,

    π. ἀλλήλους ἔπεα πτερόεντ' ἀγόρευον Il.3.155


    π.ξεῖνον φάσθαι ἔπος ἠδ' ἐπακοῦσαι Od.17.584

    ; λέγειν, εἰπεῖν, φράζειν π. τινά, Hdt. 1.8,90, Ar.V. 335, Nu. 359;

    ἀπαγγεῖλαι π. τινάς A.Ch. 267


    μνησθῆναι π. τινά Lys.1.19

    , etc.;

    ἀμείψασθαι π. τινά Hdt.8.60


    ἀποκρίνεσθαι π. τινάς Ar.Ach. 632

    , Th.5.42; ὤμοσε δὲ π. ἔμ' αὐτόν he swore to me, Od.14.331: π. sts. governs the reflex. pron.,

    διαλογίζεσθαι π. ὑμᾶς αὐτούς Is.7.45

    ; ἀναμνήσθητε, ἐνθυμήθητε π. ὑμᾶς αὐτούς, Isoc.6.52, 15.60;

    π. ἐμαυτὸν.. ἐλογιζόμην Pl.Ap. 21d

    ; μινύρεσθαι, ἄδειν π. ἑαυτόν, Ar.Ec. 880, 931;

    ἐπικωκύω.. αὐτὴ π. αὑτήν S.El. 285

    b π. σφέας ἔχειν δοκέουσι, i.e. they think they are pregnant, Hp.Nat.Puer. 30.
    6 of various kinds of intercourse or reciprocal action, π... Διομήδεα τεύχε' ἄμειβεν changed arms with Diomedes, Il.6.235;

    ὅσα.. ξυμβόλαια.. ἦν τοῖς ἰδιώταις π. τοὺς ἰδιώτας ἢ ἰδιώτῃ π. τὸ κοινόν IG12.116.19

    ; σπονδάς, συνθήκας ποιεῖσθαι π. τινά, Th.4.15, Plb.1.17.6;

    ξυγχωρεῖν π. τινάς Th.2.59


    γίγνεται ὁμολογία π. τινάς Id.7.82

    , cf. Hdt. 1.61;

    π. τινὰς ξυμμαχίαν ποιεῖς θαι Th.5.22


    π. ἀλλήλους ἡσυχίαν εἶχον καὶ π. τοὺς ἄλλους.. εἰρήνην ἦγον Isoc.7.51


    π. ἀλλήλους ἔχθραι τε καὶ στέργηθρα A.Pr. 491

    ; also

    σαίνειν ποτὶ πάντας Pi.P.2.82

    , cf. O.4.6;

    παίζειν πρός τινας E.HF 952

    , etc.;

    ἀφροδισιάζειν π. τινά X.Mem.1.3.14


    ἀγαθὸς γίγνεσθαι π. τινά Th.1.86


    εὐσεβὴς π. τινὰς πέλειν A.Supp. 340

    ; διαλέγεσθαι π. τινά converse with.., X.Mem.1.6.1, Aeschin.2.38,40, 3.219;

    κοινοῦσθαι π. τινάς Pl.Lg. 930c


    π. τοὺς οἰκέτας ἀνακοινοῦσθαι περὶ τῶν μεγίστων Thphr.Char.4.2

    ; διαλογίζεσθαι π. τινά balance accounts with.., D.52.3, cf. SIG241.127 (Delph., iv B. C.);

    ἃ ἔχει διελόμενος π. τὸν ἀδελφόν IG12(7).55.8

    (Amorgos, iv/iii B. C.), cf. D. 47.34.
    b in phrases of the form ἡ π. τινὰ εὔνοια (ἔχθρα, etc.), π. sts. means towards, as ἡ π. αὑτοὺς φιλία the affection of their wives towards or for them, X.Cyr.3.1.39;

    ἡ π. ὑμᾶς ἔχθρα Id.HG3.5.10


    ἡ ἀπέχθεια ἡ π. τοὺς πλουσίους Arist.Pol. 1305a23


    τὴν π. τοὺς τετελευτηκότας εὔνοιαν ὑπάρχουσαν D.18.314

    , cf. SIG352.13 (Ephesus, iv/iii B. C.), al.;

    φυσικαὶ τοκέων στοργαὶ π. τέκνα ποθεινά IG12(5).305.13

    ([place name] Paros): but sts. at the hands of, ἡ π. τὸ θεῖον εὐμένεια the favour of the gods, Th.5.105; φθόνος τοῖς ζῶσι π. τὸ ἀντίπαλον jealousy is incurred by the living at the hands of their rivals, Id.2.45; τὴν ἀπέχθειαν τὴν π. Θηβαίους.. τῇ πόλει γενέσθαι the hostility incurred by Athens at the hands of the Thebans, D.18.36, cf.6.3, 19.85; τῇ φιλίᾳ τῇ π. τὸν τετελευτηκότα the friendship with (not 'affection for') the deceased, Is.1.17, cf. Pl.Ap. 21c, 28a, Isoc.15.101,19.50, Lycurg.135, Din.1.19, etc.;

    τίνος ὄντος ἐμοὶ π. ὑμᾶς ἐγκλήματος; Lys.10.23

    , cf. 16.10;

    τιμώμενος.. διὰ τὴν π. ὑμᾶς πίστιν Din.3.12

    , cf. Lys.12.67, D.20.25; τῷ φόβῳ τῷ π. ὑμᾶς the fear inspired by you, Id.25.93; τῇ π. Ῥωμαίους εὐνοία his popularity with the Romans, Plb.23.7.5.
    7 of legal or other business transacted before a magistrate, witness, etc.,

    τάδε ὁ σύλλογος ἐβουλεύσατο.. π. μνήμονας SIG45.8

    (Halic., v B. C.), cf. IG7.15.1 (Megara, ii B. C.); γράφεσθαι αὐτὸν κλοπῆς.. π. τοὺς ἐπιμελητάς ib.12.65.46; ἀτέλειαν εἶναι αὐτῷ καὶ δίκας π. τὸν πολέμαρχον ib.153.7; λόγον διδόντων τῶν.. χρημάτων.. π. τοὺς λογιστάς ib.91.27; before a jury,

    ἔστι δὲ τούτοις μὲν π. ὑμᾶς ἁγών, ὑμῖν δὲ π. ἅπασαν τὴν πόλιν Lys. 26.14


    ἀντιδικῆσαι τῷ παιδὶ.. π. ὑμᾶς Is.11.19

    codd. (dub.); before a witness to whom an appeal for corroboration is made, Id.3.25;

    ὀμόσαντες πὸ (τ) τὸν θεόν Schwyzer 418.11

    ([place name] Elis); φέρρεν αὐτὸν πὸ (τ) τὸν Δία in the eyes of Zeus, ib.415.7(ibid.); λαχεῖν πρὸς τὸν ἄρχοντα, γράφεσθαι π. τοὺς θεσμοθέτας, D.43.15, Lex ib.21.47, cf. Arist.Ath.56.6;

    τοῖς ἐμπόροις εἶναι τὰς δίκας π. τοὺς θεσμοθέτας D.33.1

    ; θέντων τὰ.. ποτήρια.. π. Πολύχαρμον having pawned the cups with P., IPE12.32A15 (Olbia, iii B. C.); also

    διαβάλλειν τινὰ π. τοὺς πολλούς X. Mem. 1.2.31

    , cf. D.7.33.
    II of Time, towards or near a certain time, at or about,

    ποτὶ ἕσπερα Od.17.191


    ποτὶἕσπερον Hes.Op. 552


    πρὸς ἑσπέραν Pl.R. 328a


    ἐπεὶ π. ἑσπέραν ἦν X.HG4.3.22


    π. ἡμέραν Id.An.4.5.21


    π. ὄρθρον Ar.Lys. 1089

    ; ποτ' ὄρθρον (nisi leg. πότορθρον) Theoc.5.126, Erinn. in PSI9.1090.48 + 8 (p.xii);

    πρὸς ἕω Ar.Ec. 312

    ; π.ἀῶ ἐγρέσθαι, π. ἡμέραν ἐξεγρέσθαι, Theoc.18.55, Pl.Smp. 223c; π. γῆρας, π. τὸ γῆρας, in old age, E.Med. 592, Pl.Lg. 653a; π. εὐάνθεμον φυάν in the bloom of life, Pi.O.1.67; μέχρις ὅτου π. γυναῖκας ὦσι, i.e.of marriageable age, IG22.1368.41: later, π.τὸ παρόν for the moment, Luc.Ep. Sat.28, etc.; v. infr. 111.5.
    III of Relation between two objects,
    1 in reference to, in respect of, touching, τὰ π. τὸν πόλεμον military matters, equipments, etc., Th.2.17, etc.; τὰ π. τὸν βασιλέα our relations to the King, D.14.2; τὰ π. βασιλέα πράγματα the negotiations with the King, Th.1.128; τὰ π. τοὺς θεούς our relations, i.e. duties, to the gods, S.Ph. 1441;

    μέτεστι π. τὰ ἴδια διάφορα πᾶσι τὸ ἴσον.. ἐλευθέρως δὲ τὰ π. τὸ κοινὸν πολιτεύομεν Th.2.37


    οὐδὲν διοίσει π. τὸ γενέσθαι..

    in respect of..,

    Arist.APr. 24a25

    , cf. Pl.Phd. 111b; ἕτερος λόγος, οὐ π. ἐμέ that is another matter, and does not concern me, D.18.44, cf. 21,60, Isoc.4.12; τῶν φορέτρων ὄντων π. ἐμέ freightage shall be my concern, i.e. borne by me, PAmh.91.18 (ii A. D.);

    π. τοῦτον ἦν ἡ τῶν διαφόρων πρᾶξις LXX 2 Ma.4.28

    ; ἐὰν.. βοᾷ καὶ σχετλιάζῃ μηδὲν π. τὸ πρᾶγμα, nihil ad rem, D.40.61; οὐδὲν π. τὸν Διόνυσον Prov. ap.Plb.39.2.3, Suid.; οὐδὲν αὐτῷ π. τὴν πόλιν ἐστίν he owes no reckoning to the State, D.21.44;

    λόγος ἐστὶν ἐμοὶ π. Ἀθηναίους Philonid. 1


    π. Ἰάσονά ἐστιν αὐτῷ περὶ τῆς τιμῆς PHamb.27.8

    (iii B. C.), cf. PCair.Zen.150.18 (iii B. C.); ἔσται αὐτῷ π. τὸν Θεόν (sc. ὁ λόγος ) he shall have to reckon with God, Supp.Epigr.6.188, cf. 194, al. ([place name] Eumenia); without αὐτῷ, ib.236 ([place name] Phrygia);

    ἔσται π. τὴν Τριάδαν MAMA1.168

    , cf. Supp.Epigr.6.302 (Laodicea Combusta); ἕξει π. τὸν Θεόν ib.300, al. (ibid.); ἕξει π. τὴν ἐωνίαν κρίσιν ib.4.733 ([place name] Eukhaita), cf. 6.841 ([place name] Cyprus);

    π. πολλοὺς ἔχων ἀγωνιστάς Suid.

    s.v. ὅσα μῦς ἐν πίσσῃ, cf. 2 Ep.Cor.5.12: with Advbs.,

    ἀσφαλῶς ἔχειν π. τι X.Mem.1.3.14

    , etc.; [τὸ or τὰ] πρός τι, the relative term or terms, Arist.Cat. 1b25, 6a36, al.; τὸ π. τι, Pythag. name for two, Theol.Ar.8; π. ἡμᾶς relatively to us, opp. ἁπλῶς, Arist.APo. 72a1; ὀρθὸς πρός or ποτί c. acc., perpendicular to, Archim.Sph.Cyl.2.3, Spir.20; ἁ Δζ ποτὶ τὰν ΑΔ ἀμβλεῖαν ποιεῖ γωνίαν ib.16.
    2 in reference to, in consequence of,

    πρὸς τοῦτο τὸ κήρυγμα Hdt.3.52

    , cf. 4.161;

    π. τὴν φήμην

    in view of..,


    , cf. Th.8.39;

    χαλεπαίνειν π. τι Id.2.59


    ἀθύμως ἔχειν π. τι X.HG4.5.4

    , etc.: with neut. Pron.,

    π. τί;

    wherefore? to what end?

    S.OT 766

    , 1027, etc.; π. οὐδέν for nothing, in vain, Id.Aj. 1018; π. οὐδὲν ἀναγκαῖον unnecessarily, Sch.Il.9.23;

    π. ταῦτα

    therefore, this being so,


    ,40, A.Pr. 915, 992, S.OT 426, etc.; cf. οὗτος c. v111.1b.
    3 in reference to or for a purpose,

    ἕστηκεν.. μῆλα π. σφαγάς A.Ag. 1057

    ; χρήσιμος, ἱκανὸς π. τι, Pl.Grg. 474d, Prt. 322b;

    ὡς π. τί χρείας; S.OT 1174

    , cf. OC71, Tr. 1182;

    ἕτοιμος π. τι X.Mem.4.5.12


    ἱκανῶς ὡς π. τὴν παροῦσαν χρείαν Arist. Cael. 269b21


    ἢν ἀρήγειν φαίνηται π. τὴν σύμπασαν νοῦσον Hp.Acut. 60

    ; ποιεῖ π. ἐπιλημπτικούς is efficacious for cases of epilepsy, Dsc.1.6;

    ἐθέλοντες τὰ π. τὴν νοῦσον ἡδέα μᾶλλον ἢ τὰ π. τὴν ὑγιείην προσδέχεσθαι Hp. de Arte7

    b with a view to or for a future time,

    ὅπως.. γράμματα δῷ π. ἢν ἂν ἡμέραν ἑκάτεροι παραγίνωνται SIG679.62

    (Senatus consultum, ii B. C.);

    θαυμάζεται τὰ Περικλέους ἔργα π. πολὺν χρόνον ἐν ὀλίγῳ γενόμενα Plu.Per.13

    c = πρός B. 11,

    ἐγίνετο π. ἀναζογήν Plb.3.92.8


    ὄντων π. τὸ κωλύειν Id.1.26.3

    , cf. 1.29.3, al., Plu.Nic.5.
    4 in proportion or relation to, in comparison with,

    κοῖός τις δοκέοι ἀνὴρ εἶναι π. τὸν πατέρα Κῦρον Hdt.3.34


    ἔργα λόγου μέζω π. πᾶσαν χώρην Id.2.35


    π. πάντας τοὺς ἄλλους Id.3.94

    , 8.44;

    πολλὴν ἂν οἶμαι ἀπιστίαν τῆς δυνάμεως.. π. τὸ κλέος αὐτῶν εἶναι Th.1.10

    , cf. Pi.O.2.88, Pl. Prt. 327d, 328c, Phd. 102c, etc.; π. τὰς μεγίστας καὶ ἐλαχίστας ναῦς τὸ μέσον σκοπεῖν the mean between.., Th.1.10;

    τὸ κάλλιστον τῶν ἔργων π. τὸ αἴσχιστον συμβαλεῖν Lycurg.68


    ἓν π. ἓν συμβάλλειν Hdt.4.50

    ; also

    ἔχεις π. τὰ ἔτη μέλαιναν τὴν τρίχα Thphr. Char.2.3


    ἐνδεεστέρως ἢ π. τὴν ἐξουσίαν Th.4.39

    : also of mathematical ratio, οἷος ὁ πρῶτος (sc. ὅρος)

    ποτὶ τὸν δεύτερον, καὶ ὁ δεύτερος ποτὶ τὸν τρίτον Archyt.2

    , cf. Philol.11, Pl.Ti. 36b, Arist.Rh. 1409a4, al., Euc. 5 Def.4, etc.; πρὸς παρεὸν.. μῆτις ἀέξεται ἀνθρώποισι in proportion to the existing (physical development), Emp.106: also of price, value, πωλεῖσθαι δὶς π. ἀργύριον sells twice against or relatively to silver, i.e. for twice its weight in silver, Thphr.HP9.6.4;

    πωλεῖται ὁ σταθμὸς αὐτοῦ π. διπλοῦν ἀργύριον Dsc.1.19

    ; [ἡ μαργαρῖτις λίθος] πωλεῖται.. π. χρυσίον for its weight in gold, Androsthenes ap.Ath.3.93b: metaph.,

    π. ἀρετήν Pl.Phd. 69a

    ; ὅπως π. τὰς τιμὰς τῶν κριθῶν τὰ ἄλφιτα πωλήσουσι on the basis of the price of barley, Arist.Ath.51.3; ἐξέστω αὐτοῦ ἀπογραφὴ τῆς οὐσίας π. τοῦτο τὸ ἀργύριον Ἀθηναίων τῷ βουλομένῳ property equal in value to this silver, IG22.1013.14, cf. PHib. 1.32.9 (iii B. C.), IG5(1).1390.78 (Andania, i B. C.);

    τῶν ἐγγύων τῶν ἐγγυωμένων π. [αὐτὰ] τὰ κτήματα SIG364.42

    (Ephesus, iii B. C.);

    θέντων τὰ ποτήρια π. χρυσοῦς ἑκατόν IPE12.32A16

    (Olbia, iii B. C.); τοὺς ἀπαγομένους εἰς φυλακὴν π. τὰ χρέα imprisoned for debt, Plb. 38.11.10, cf. 1.72.5, 5.27.4,5,7,5.108.1, PTeb.707.9 (ii B. C.);

    τοὺς π. καταδίκας ἐκπεπτωκότας Plb.25.3.1

    , cf. SIG742.31 (Ephesus, i B. C.);

    ἐγδίδομεν τὸ ἔργον.. π. χαλκόν IG7.3073.6

    (Lebad., ii B. C.), cf. PSI5.356.7 (iii B. C.), PTeb. 825 (a).16 (ii B. C.), Sammelb.5106.3 (ii B. C.);

    οἷον π. ἀργύριον τὴν δόξαν τὰς ψυχὰς ἀποδιδόμενοι Jul. Or.1.42b

    ; π. ἅλας ἠγορασμένος, i.e. 'dirt cheap', Men.828 (also π. ἅλα δειπνεῖν καὶ κύαμον, i.e. dine frugally, take pot-luck, Plu.2.684f); so

    ἡδονὰς π. ἡδονὰς.. καταλλάττεσθαι Pl.Phd. 69a

    ; of measurements of time by the flow from the clepsydra,

    π. ἕνδεκα ἀμφορέας ἐν διαμεμετρημένῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ κρίνομαι Aeschin.2.126

    , cf. Arist.Ath.67.2,3,69.2;

    λεγέσθω τᾶς δίκας ὁ μὲν πρᾶτος λόγος ἑκατέροις ποτὶ χόας δεκαοκτώ SIG953.17

    (Calymna, ii B. C.); λεξάντων πρὸς τὴν τήρησιν τοῦ ὕδατος ib.683.60 (Olympia, ii B. C.); π. κλεψύδραν Eub.p.182 K., Epin. 2;

    π. κλεψύδρας Arist.Po. 1451a8


    π. ὀλίγον ὕδωρ ἀναγκαζόμενος λέγειν D.41.30

    ; hence later, π. ὀλίγον for a short time,

    ἐπανεῖναι π. ὀλίγον τὴν πολιορκίαν J.BJ5.9.1

    , cf. Alex.Aphr. in Top.560.2, Hld.2.19, POxy67.14 (iv A.D.), Orib.Fr.116, Gp.4.15.8; π.ὀλίγον καιρόν, χρόνον, Antyll. ap. Orib.9.24.26, Paul.Aeg.Prooem.; π. ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν Poet. in Mus.Script.p.452 von Jan;

    μήτηρ δ' ἦν π. μικρόν Sammelb. 7288.4

    ([place name] Ptolemaic);

    π. βραχύ Jul.Or.1.47b

    (but π. βραχὺ παρηβηκυίας (by) a little past their best, Gp.4.15.3);

    π. βραχὺν καιρόν Iamb. Protr. 21


    κα'; π. τὸ ἀκαρές Porph.Gaur.3.3


    π. μίαν ἢ δευτέραν ἡμέραν Dsc. 2.101

    , cf. Sor.1.56;

    π. δύο ἡμέρας ἐκοίμησα ἐκεῖ BGU775.8

    (ii A. D.);

    π.μόνην τὴν ἐνεστῶσαν ἡμέραν Sammelb. 7399

    (ii A.D.), cf. M.Ant.12.4;

    προστιμάσθω π. χρόνον μὴ εἰσελθεῖν ὅσον ἂν δόξῃ IG22.1368.89

    5 in or by reference to, according to, in view of,

    π. τὸ παρεὸν βουλεύεσθαι Hdt. 1.20

    , cf. 113, Th.6.46,47, IG22.1.20, etc.;

    π. τὴν παροῦσαν ἀρρωστίαν Th.7.47


    ἵνα π. τὸν ὑπάρχοντα καιρὸν ἕκαστα θεωρῆτε D.18.17

    , cf. 314, etc.;

    εἴ τι δεῖ τεκμαίρεσθαι π. τὸν ἄλλον τρόπον Id.27.22

    ; τοῖς π. ὑμᾶς ζῶσι those who live with your interests in view, Id.19.226;

    ἐλευθέρου τὸ μὴ π. ἄλλον ζῆν Arist.Rh. 1367a32


    π. τοῦτον πάντ' ἐσκόπουν, π. τοῦτον ἐποιοῦντο τὴν εἰρήνην D.19.63

    ; τὸ παιδεύεσθαι π. τὰς πολιτείας suitably to them, Arist.Pol. 1310a14; ὁρῶ.. ἅπαντας π. τὴν παροῦσαν δύναμιν τῶν δικαίων ἀξιουμένους according to their power, D.15.28;

    π. τὰς τύχας γὰρ τὰς φρένας κεκτήμεθα

    according to..,

    E.Hipp. 701

    ; πὸς τὰς συνθέσις in accordance with the agreements, IG5(2).343.41,60 (Orchom. Arc.); τὸν δικαστὰν ὀμνύντα κρῖναι πορτὶ τὰ μωλιόμενα having regard to the pleadings, Leg.Gort.5.44, cf. 9.30; αἱ ἀρχαὶ.. πρὸς τὰ κατεσκευασμένα σύμβολα σηκώματα ποιησάμεναι after making weights and measures in accordance with, or by reference to, the established standards, IG22.1013.7; π. τὰ στάθμια τὰ ἐν τῷ ἀργυροκοπίῳ as measured by the weights in the mint, ib. 30, cf. PAmh.43.10 (ii B. C.); [Εόλων] ἐποίησε σταθμὰ π. τὸ νόμισμα made (trade-) weights on the basis of (i.e. proportional to) the coinage, Arist.Ath.10.2;

    ὀρθὸν π. τὸν διαβήτην IG22.1668.9

    , cf. 95,7.3073.108 (Lebad., ii B. C.); π. τὸ δικαιότατον in accordance with the most just principle, D.C.Fr.104.6.
    6 with the accompaniment of musical instruments,

    π. κάλαμον Pi.O.10(11).84

    ; π. αὐλόν or τὸν αὐλόν, E.Alc. 346, X.Smp.6.3, etc.;

    π. λύραν.. ᾄδειν SIG662.13

    (Delos, ii B. C.); π. ῥυθμὸν ἐμβαίνειν to step in time, D.S.5.34.
    7 [full] πρός c.acc. freq. periphr. for Adv., π. βίαν, = βιαίως, under compulsion,

    νῦν χρὴ.. τινα π. βίαν πώνην Alc.20


    π. βίαν ἐπίνομεν Ar.Ach.73


    τὸ π. βίαν πίνειν ἴσον πέφυκε τῷ διψῆν κακόν S.Fr. 735

    ; ἥκω.. π. βίαν under compulsion, Critias 16.10 D.; by force, forcibly, A.Pr. 210, 355, etc.; οὐ π. βίαν τινός not forced by any one, Id.Eu.5 (but also, in spite of any one, S.OC 657);

    π. τὸ βίαιον A.Ag. 130


    π. τὸ καρτερόν Id.Pr. 214

    ; π. ἀλκήν, π. ἀνάγκαν, Id.Th. 498, Pers. 569 (lyr.);

    οὐ διαχωρέεει [ἡ γαστὴρ] εἰ μὴ π. ἀνάγκην Hp. Prog.8


    π. ἰσχύος κράτος S.Ph. 594


    π. ἡδονὴν εἶναί τινι A.Pr. 494

    ; π. ἡδονὴν λέγειν, δημηγορεῖν, so as to please, Th.2.65, S.El. 921, D.4.38, cf. E.Med. 773;

    οἱ πάντα π. ἡδονὴν ἐπαινοῦντες Arist.EN 1126b13


    ἅπαντα π. ἡδ. ζητεῖν D.1.15

    , cf. 18.4; λούσασθαι τὸ σῶμα π. ἡδ. as much or little as one like s, Hp.Mul.2.133;

    πίνειν π. ἡδ. Pl. Smp. 176e

    ; π. τὸ τερπνόν calculated to delight, Th.2.53; π. χάριν so as to gratify,

    μήτε π. ἔχθραν ποιεῖσθαι λόγον μήτε π. χ. D.8.1

    , cf. S.OT 1152;

    π. χάριν δημηγορεῖν D.3.3

    , etc.: c. gen. rei, π. χάριν τινός for the sake of,

    π. χ. βορᾶς S.Ant.30

    , cf. Ph. 1156 (lyr.);

    π. ἰσχύος χ.

    by means of,

    E.Med. 538

    ; π. ὀργήν with anger, angrily, S.El. 369, Th.2.65, D.53.16 (v.l.);

    π. ὀργὴν ἐλθεῖν τινι Id.39.23

    , etc.; π. τὸ λιπαρές importunately, S.OC 1119;

    π. εὐσέβειαν Id.El. 464

    ; π. καιρόν seasonably, Id.Aj.38, etc.;

    π. φύσιν Id.Tr. 308

    ; π. εὐτέλειαν cheaply, Antiph.226.2; π. μέρος in due proportion, D.36.32;

    π. ὀλίγον μέρος Gp.2.15.1

    ; τέτραπτο π. ἰθύ οἱ straight towards him, Il.14.403; π. ὀρθὰς (sc. γωνίας ( .. τῇ AEB at right angles to, Arist.Mete. 373a14, cf. Euc.1.11, Archim.Sph.Cyl.1.3;

    π. ὀρθὴν τέμνουσα Arist.Mete. 363b2

    ; π. ἀχθηδόνα, π. ἀπέχθειαν, Luc.Tox.9, Hist.Conscr.38; γυνὴ π. ἀλήθειαν οὖσα in truth a woman, a very woman, Ath.15.687a, cf. Luc. JTr.48, Alex.61: c. [comp] Sup., π. τὰ μέγιστα in the highest degree, Hdt.8.20.
    8 of Numbers. up to, about, Plb.16.7.5, etc.: cf. πρόσπου.
    D ABS. AS ADV., besides, over and above; in Hom. always π. δέ or ποτὶ δέ, Il.5.307, 10.108, al., cf. Hdt.1.71, etc.; π. δὲ καί ib. 164, 207;

    π. δὲ ἔτι Id.3.74


    καὶ π. Id.7.154

    , 184, prob. in A.Ch. 301, etc.;

    καὶ π. γε E.Hel. 110

    , Pl.R. 328a, 466e;

    καὶ.. γε π. A.Pr.73


    καὶ δὴ π. Hdt.5.67

    ; freq. at the end of a second clause,

    τάδε λέγω, δράσω τε π. E.Or. 622


    ἀλογία.., καὶ ἀμαθία γε π. Pl.Men. 90e

    , cf. E.Ph. 610;

    ἐνενήκοντα καὶ μικρόν τι π. D.4.28

    , cf. 22.60.
    I motion towards, as προσάγω, προσέρχομαι, etc.
    II addition, besides, as προσκτάομαι, προσδίδωμι, προστίθημι, etc.
    III a being on, at, by, or beside: hence, a remaining beside, and metaph. connexion and engagement with anything, as πρόσειμι, προσγίγνομαι, etc.
    1 in poetry πρός sts. stands after its case and before an attribute,

    ποίμνας βουστάσεις τε π. πατρός A.Pr. 653

    , cf. Th. 185, S.OT 178 (lyr.), E.Or.94; ἄστυ πότι (or ποτὶ)

    σφέτερον Il.17.419

    , cf. Pi.O.4.5.
    2 in Hom. it is freq. separated from its Verb by tmesis.
    3 sts. (in violation of the rule given by A.D.Synt.127.8, Pron.42.5) followed by an enclit. Pron.,

    πρός με S.Aj. 292

    , Ar.Pl. 1055, D.18.14 (v.l.), Men.978, Pk.77, Com.Adesp.15.25 D., 22.68 D., etc.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > πρός

  • 4 vertical

    (standing straight up at right angles to the earth's surface, or to a horizontal plane or line; upright: The hillside looked almost vertical.) vertical
    * * *
    [v'ə:tikəl] n linha, posição, peça, círculo ou plano vertical. • adj 1 vertical. 2 do vértice. 3 oposto a base. 4 diretamente acima, no zênite.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > vertical

  • 5 en

    viven en la capital they live in the capital
    tiene el dinero en el banco he keeps his money in the bank
    en la mesa/el plato on the table/plate
    en casa/el trabajo at home/work
    2 into.
    el avión cayó en el mar the plane fell into the sea
    entraron en la habitación they came/went into the room
    3 in (time) (month, year).
    nació en 1953/marzo she was born in 1953/March
    en Nochebuena on Christmas Eve
    en Navidades at Christmas
    en aquella época at that time, in those days
    en un par de días in a couple of days
    ir en tren/coche/avión/barco to go by train/car/plane/boat
    5 in (modo).
    en voz baja in a low voice
    lo dijo en inglés she said it in English
    pagar en libras to pay in pounds
    la inflación aumentó en un 10 por ciento inflation increased by 10 percent
    todo se lo gasta en ropa he spends everything on clothes
    6 in (price).
    las ganancias se calculan en millones profits are calculated in millions
    te lo dejo en 5.000 I'll let you have it for 5,000
    7 from (causa).
    lo detecté en su forma de hablar I could tell from the way he was speaking
    8 in, made of (materia).
    en seda in silk
    9 in terms of.
    lo supera en inteligencia she is more intelligent than he is
    10 on, over, upon.
    11 at, over at, in, over in.
    En ese momento ...at that moment.
    12 to.
    * * *
    1 (lugar - gen) in, at
    2 (- en el interior) in, inside
    4 (año, mes, estación) in; (día) on; (época, momento) at
    7 (tema, materia) at, in
    8 (modo, manera) in
    los valores aumentaron en un 6% securities increased by 6%
    10 en + gerund upon
    en llegando el maestro, los niños se levantan upon the teacher's arrival, the children stand up
    de casa en casa from house to house
    en cuanto as soon as
    en camino on the way
    * * *
    1) in
    2) on
    3) at
    4) by
    6) into
    * * *
    1) [indicando lugar]
    a) (=dentro de) in

    está en el cajón/en el armario — it's in the drawer/in the wardrobe

    b) (=encima de) on
    c) [con países, ciudades, calles]
    d) [con edificios]
    2) [indicando movimiento] into
    3) [indicando modo] in
    4) [indicando proporción] by
    5) [indicando tiempo]

    ayer en la mañana LAm yesterday morning

    en la mañana del accidente LAm on the morning of the accident

    6) [indicando tema, ocupación]

    Hugo en Segismundo — (Cine, Teat) Hugo as Segismundo, Hugo in the role of Segismundo

    7) [con medios de transporte] by
    8) [con cantidades] at, for
    9) [con infinitivo]
    10) [con gerundio]
    EN Como preposición de lugar, en se traduce normalmente por on, in o at. La elección de una de estas tres preposiciones depende a menudo de cómo percibe el hablante la relación espacial. He aquí unas líneas generales: Se traduce por on cuando en equivale a encima de o nos referimos a algo que se percibe como una superficie o una línea, por ejemplo una mesa, una carretera {etc}: "¿Has visto mi vestido?" - "Está en la tabla de planchar" "Have you seen my dress?" - "It's on the ironing-board" Estaban tumbados en la playa They were lying on the beach Está construyendo una casa en la colina He's building a house on the hill ... un pueblo en la costa oeste...... a village on the west coast... La gasolinera está en la carretera que va a Motril The petrol station is on the road to Motril Dibujó un león en la hoja de papel He drew a lion on the piece of paper Tiene un grano en la nariz He has a spot on his nose Lo vi en la tele I saw him on TV ► Se usa in cuando equivale a dentro de o cuando nos referimos a un espacio que se percibe como limitado (calle, montañas, etc): Tus gafas están en mi bolso Your glasses are in my bag Tienes una pestaña en el ojo You've got an eyelash in your eye Lo leí en un libro I read it in a book Se han comprado un chalet en la sierra They've bought a chalet in the mountains Viven en la calle de Serrano They live in the Calle de Serrano ► Lo traducimos por at para referirnos a un edificio cuando hablamos de la actividad que normalmente se realiza en él o cuando en indica un lugar concreto. También se traduce por at cuando en la dirección incluimos el número o el nombre de la casa: ¿Por qué no comemos en el restaurante de tu hermano? Why don't we have lunch at your brother's restaurant? Voy a pasar el día en el museo I'm going to spend the day at the museum Te espero en la parada del autobús I'll meet you at the bus-stop Vivimos en la calle Dale nº 12 We live at 12 Dale Street Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio)

    viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel — they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel

    viven en la calle Goyathey live on o (BrE) in Goya Street

    nos quedamos en casawe stayed home (AmE), we stayed at home (BrE)

    b) ( dentro de) in
    c) ( sobre) on
    2) (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    a) (indicando tema, especialidad, cualidad)
    b) (indicando proporción, precio)

    lo vendió en $30 — he sold it for $30

    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 — the losses were calculated at $50,000

    a) (indicando estado, manera) in

    en buenas/malas condiciones — in good/bad condition

    en llamas — in flames, on fire

    ir en taxi/barco — to go by taxi/by boat

    fueron en bicicleta — they cycled, they went on their bikes


    ¿lo tienen en azul? — do you have it in blue?

    en la mañana/tarde/noche — (esp AmL) in the morning/afternoon/at night

    * * *
    = in, onto, into, at, throughout.
    Ex. The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.
    Ex. When one is in place, the depression of a lever causes it to be photographed onto the next blank space.
    Ex. The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
    Ex. He also resolved to talk with Cleo Passantino, a young librarian who had been at the library for three years and with whom he had had little contact.
    Ex. Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.
    * en absoluto = at all, in the slightest, whatsoever, not at all, in any shape or form.
    * en abstracto = abstractly.
    * en abundancia = in plenty, liberally, in abundance, exuberantly, in profusion, aplenty [a-plenty], prodigiously, plentifully.
    * en activo = practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en adelante = forward [forwards].
    * en agradecimiento por = appreciative of.
    * en alerta roja = on red alert.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en alguna parte = someplace.
    * en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
    * en algún lugar = somewhere, at some point.
    * en algún lugar (de por ahí) = somewhere out there.
    * en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
    * en algunos casos = in some cases.
    * en algunos grupos = in some quarters.
    * en algunos grupos de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sentidos = in some respects.
    * en algunos sitios = in places.
    * en alquiler = rented.
    * en alta mar = on the open sea, offshore, on the high seas.
    * en alza = on the upswing.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en ambos casos = in either case, in either instance.
    * en ángulo = angled.
    * en ángulo recto = at right angles.
    * en antaño = in olden times, in olden days.
    * en antelación = anticipatory.
    * en anticipación = anticipatory.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en apariencia = apparently, looking, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly.
    * en apenas nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en apoyo a = in support of.
    * en apuros = hard-pressed, beleaguered, in deep trouble, in difficulties, if it comes to the crunch, when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, in deep water, in hot water, in dire straits.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at the time, at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * en aras a = in the name of.
    * en aras de = in the interest(s) of.
    * en armonía = harmoniously, in harmony.
    * en armonía con = in harmony with, in harness with, in keeping with, in tune with, in sync with.
    * en ascuas = on tenterhooks.
    * en auge = in ascendancy, buoyant, booming, on the rise, at high tide.
    * en aumento = burgeoning, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, heightening.
    * en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
    * en Babia = absent-minded.
    * en balde = in vain, vainly, to no avail, of no avail.
    * en bandada = in full force.
    * en bandadas = in droves.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en beneficio de = for the benefit of, to the benefit of.
    * en beneficio propio = to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * en bisel = angled.
    * en blanco = blankly, blank.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * en bloque = en bloc.
    * en boga = in vogue, in fashion, voguish.
    * en bolas = stark naked, in the nod, in the buff.
    * en breve = shortly, the long and (the) short of, soon [sooner -comp., soonest -sup.].
    * en broma = teasingly.
    * en buena compañía = in good company.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en cada fase = at each stage.
    * en caída = flowing.
    * en caja = boxed.
    * en caliente = in the heat of the moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * en cama = abed.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en camino = on the way.
    * en cantidad = bulk.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en capilla = on tenterhooks, in suspense.
    * en carnavales = carnivalistically.
    * en carne y hueso = in the flesh.
    * en casa = in the home.
    * en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo = the cobbler's children run barefoot.
    * en casi nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en caso de emergencia = in an emergency, in an emergency situation.
    * en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en CD-ROM = CD-ROM-based.
    * en chirona = behind bars.
    * en ciernes = developing, budding, in the making.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en ciertas circunstancias = in certain circumstances.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en cierto grado = something of.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * en ciertos casos = in certain cases.
    * en cierto sentido = in several respects, to some extent, in a sense, in some respects, to some degree.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en círcuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en circumstancias difíciles = under difficult circumstances.
    * en circunstancias misteriosas = in mysterious circumstances.
    * en circunstancias normales = in the course of events, during the course of events, under normal circumstances.
    * en circusntancias normales = in the normal run of things.
    * en coche = drive.
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en colaboración con, junto con, de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * en color = coloured [colored, -USA], full-colour.
    * en columnas = columnar.
    * en colusión con = in collusion with, in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en coma = comatose.
    * en combinación con = in parallel to/with, in combination with.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * en comparación = by comparison.
    * en comparación con = against, as compared to, set against, in comparison with, in comparison to.
    * en compensación = compensatory.
    * en complicidad con = in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in complicity with, in collusion with, in connivance with.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * en conciencia = in good conscience.
    * en conclusión = in conclusion.
    * en concordancia con = in accordance with, in accord with.
    * en concreto = in particular, to be specific.
    * en condiciones = decent.
    * en condiciones de = in the position to.
    * en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
    * en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * en confidencia = in confidence.
    * en conflicto (con) = in conflict (with).
    * en conformidad con = in conformity with, in keeping with.
    * en conjunción con = in conjunction with, in tandem with.
    * en conjunto = altogether, on balance, bulk, all in all, overall, overall.
    * en conmemoración de = in celebration of, commemorative.
    * en connivencia = colluding.
    * en connivencia con = in collusion with, in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en consecuencia = accordingly, consequently, hence, in consequence, as a consequence (of), it follows that, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * en consecuencia lógica = by implication.
    * en consideración = under consideration.
    * en consideración a = for the sake of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * en consonacia con = in line with.
    * en consonancia con = in concert with, in keeping with, in step with, in tune with, in consonance with.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en constante expansión = ever-expanding, ever-growing.
    * en constante movimiento = on the move, on the go.
    * en construcción = under development, under construction.
    * en contacto = in communication.
    * en contacto con la realidad = in touch with + reality.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en contenedor = containerised [containerized, -USA].
    * en continua expansión = expanding.
    * en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en contra = counterpoint, against.
    * en contra de la guerra = antiwar [anti-war].
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en contra de la raza blanca = anti-white [antiwhite].
    * en contra de la raza negra = antiblack [anti-black].
    * en contra de las circunstancias = against circumstances.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
    * en contraposición a = as opposed to, in contrast (to/with), in contradistinction to.
    * en contraste con = in contrast (to/with).
    * en contravención de = in contravention of.
    * en contubernio (con) = in cahoots (with).
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * en cooperativa = cooperatively [co-operatively].
    * en costras = caked.
    * en crisis = depressed, crisis-ridden, on the rocks.
    * en cuadernillo = in booklet form.
    * en cualquier caso = for that matter, in any event, in any case, in either case.
    * en cualquier domingo = on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier lugar = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily, on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
    * en cualquier orden = either way round.
    * en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
    * en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.
    * en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.
    * en cualquier sitio = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en + Cuantificador + aspectos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en + Cuantificador + sentidos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en cuanto a = as to, in extent of, in regard to, in terms of, in the way of, with regard(s) to, as for, as regards, as to the matter of, in reference to, now as to, moving on to.
    * en cuanto a él = as for him.
    * en cuanto a ella = as for her.
    * en cuanto a ellos = as for them.
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en cuanto a mí = as for me.
    * en cuanto a nosotros = as for us.
    * en cuanto a ti = as for you.
    * en cuanto a usted = as for you.
    * en cuanto a vosotros = as for you.
    * en cuanto + nacer = at birth.
    * en cuanto que = in that.
    * en cuarto lugar = fourthly.
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en cuclicllas = in a squatting position.
    * en cuclillas = squat, in a squat position, in a crouching position.
    * en cueros = in the buff, in the nod, stark naked.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * en cumplimiento con = in line with, in compliance with.
    * en cursiva = in italic type.
    * en curso = in process, underway [under way], in progress, ongoing [on-going], afoot, current, under preparation.
    * en curso de = in course of.
    * en cuyo caso = in which case.
    * en danza = on the run.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * en definitiva = in all, all in all, in the last analysis, in the final analysis, all things considered.
    * en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado = all things considered.
    * en demanda = in-demand.
    * en demasía = excess, to excess, excessively.
    * en desacuerdo = disapproving, at odds.
    * en desacuerdo con = at odds with.
    * en desarmonía con = out of tune with, out of keeping with.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en descomposición = decaying, putrefying.
    * en desesperación = despairing, in despair.
    * en desuso = obsolete, disused.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en deterioro = deteriorating, crumbling, decaying, dilapidated, disintegrating.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en detrimento de = to the detriment of, to + Posesivo + detriment, to the neglect of.
    * en diagonal = herringbone.
    * en días alternos = every other day.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en dificultades = stranded.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en disco = ondisc.
    * en disminución = dwindling, on the wane.
    * en + Distancia + a la redonda = within + Distancia.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en distinto grado = in varying measures, differing, to varying degrees.
    * en distintos formatos = multiform.
    * en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
    * en diversas lenguas = multilingually.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en diverso grado = to varying extents, to varying degrees.
    * en diversos formatos = multiform.
    * en donde = where, wherein.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en dos lenguas = bilingually.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell, in a nutshell.
    * en dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * en duda = in doubt.
    * en edad de trabajar = working-age.
    * en efecto = to all intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * en ejercicio = incumbent, practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en el abandono = in the wilderness.
    * en el acto = ipso facto, outright, on the spot, while-you-wait [while-u-wait], at the drop of a hat.
    * en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.
    * en el ámbito de = in the realm of.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el área de + Lugar = Lugar + area.
    * en el asiento de atrás = in the back seat.
    * en el asiento trasero = in the back seat.
    * en el aula de clase = classroom-based.
    * en el banquillo = on the bench.
    * en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.
    * en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.
    * en el campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el candelero = in the spotlight.
    * en el cargo = in the saddle, in office.
    * en el caso de = for, in association with, in the case of, in the event of, in case of, in the context of.
    * en (el) caso de que = in the event that, should, in case.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el cine = at the movies.
    * en el clima actual de = in the present climate of.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el curso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el curso normal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, = in the normal run of things.
    * en el curso normal de los acontecimientos = in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * en el desierto = in the wilderness.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en el día a día = in the day to day, in the trenches.
    * en el dique seco = in dry dock, in the wilderness.
    * en el eje = at the core (of).
    * en el entorno de = in the realm of.
    * en el escenario = on stage.
    * en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
    * en el espacio = spatially.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en el estudio = at study, at study.
    * en el extranjero = abroad, overseas, offshore.
    * en el extremo opuesto = at the far end.
    * en el fin de semana = over the weekend, over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * en el fondo = at heart, deep down, in the back of + Posesivo + mind, in the back of + Posesivo + head, at the back of + Posesivo + head, bottom line, the, in the bottom.
    * en el fondo de = at the root of.
    * en el futuro = Número + Tiempo + ahead, down the road, in future, in time(s) to come, at + future date, in (the) years to come, at some future time, in the years to come, in the years ahead, in years to come, at some future point, in the future, for future reference, for the years to come.
    * en el futuro a largo plazo = in the long-term future.
    * en el futuro cercano = in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro inmediato = in the offing, in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro lejano = further in the future.
    * en el haber de Uno = under + Posesivo + belt.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el horizonte = on the horizon.
    * en el hospital = at the bedside.
    * en el improbable caso de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el instante en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el ínterin = in the interim, in the intervening years, in the intervening period, ad interim.
    * en el juego = at play.
    * en el lado negativo = on the debit side, on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en ello = therein, thereupon [thereon].
    * en el lugar del accidente = at the scene, at the scene of the accident.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * en el mandato = in office.
    * en el mando = at the wheel.
    * en el mar = at sea.
    * en el marco de = within the ambit of, within the bounds of.
    * en el más allá = dead and gone.
    * en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en el momento = on the spot.
    * en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
    * en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
    * en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
    * en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
    * en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el momento oportuno = at the right time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el mundo = on the face of the earth, on the world stage.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * en el mundo entero = all over the world, worldwide [world-wide], all around the world, throughout the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * en el mundo que nos rodea = out there.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el norte del estado = upstate.
    * en el núcleo = at the core (of).
    * en el ocaso = over the hill.
    * en el ojo del huracán = in the eye of the storm, in the eye of the hurricane.
    * en el orden del día = on the agenda.
    * en el origen (de) = in the early days (of).
    * en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.
    * en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other end of the scale, at the other end of the spectrum, at the other extreme.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * en el pasado = in the past, in past eras, at some point in the past, in years gone by, in days gone by, in former times.
    * en el pasado remoto = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el peor de los casos = at worst, in the worst of circumstances, at + Posesivo + very worst, the worst case scenario, at + Posesivo + worst, in the worst case.
    * en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
    * en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * en el piso de abajo = downstairs.
    * en el piso de arriba = upstairs.
    * en el poder = in office.
    * en el primer caso = in the former case.
    * en el proceso = in the process.
    * en el propio campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el propio cortijo = on-farm.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead, in the coming year.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en el punto álgido de = at the height of.
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el que = wherein.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * en el quinto coño = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quinto pino = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quirófano = under the knife.
    * en el resto = everywhere else.
    * en el resto de = elsewhere.
    * en el seguimiento de = in the pursuit of.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en el seno de = within, among.
    * en el sentido de las agujas del reloj = clockwise.
    * en el sentido de que = in the sense that, along the lines that, in that.
    * en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en el sentido que = in which.
    * en el timón = in the saddle.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * en el transcurso de = throughout the course of, throughout the course of, in the course of, during the course of, over the course of, throughout.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en el transcurso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el transcurso de los siglos = over the course of the centuries.
    * en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.
    * en el trasfondo de = at the root of.
    * en el último caso = in the latter case.
    * en el último minuto = last minute [last-minute], at the last minute.
    * en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
    * en el umbral de = on the threshold of.
    * en el vuelo = in-flight.
    * en entrante = recessed.
    * en entredicho = under challenge.
    * en episodios = episodic.
    * en época de carnaval = carnivalistically.
    * en época de feria = carnivalistically.
    * en época de paz = in peacetime, during peacetime.
    * en épocas anteriores = in former times, in past eras.
    * en épocas de = in times of.
    * en épocas de guerra = in time(s) of war.
    * en épocas de paz = in time(s) of peace.
    * en épocas de prosperidad económica = in affluent times.
    * en épocas difíciles = in times of need.
    * en épocas pasadas = in past ages.
    * en escamas = flaky.
    * en ese caso = in that case.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then, at that point in time.
    * en esencia = in essence, essentially.
    * en ese sentido = on that score, to that effect.
    * en esos casos = in those cases.
    * en espacios cerrados = indoors.
    * en especial = especially (specially), notably, specially (especially).
    * en especie = in kind.
    * en espera = on hold.
    * en espiga = herringbone.
    * en esta coyuntura = at this juncture.
    * en estado = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de abandono = decaying, dilapidated, dilapidated.
    * en estado de alerta = on alert.
    * en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * en estado de descomposición = decaying.
    * en estado de deterioro = decaying, dilapidated.
    * en estado de reserva = on standby.
    * en estado de reserva, en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de sitio = in a state of siege, under siege.
    * en estado embrionario = embryo, embryonic, in embryonic stage, in embryo, in the embryo stage.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en estas circunstancias = under these circumstances.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * en este caso = in this case.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en este documento = herein, herewith, hereto.
    * en este extremo = to this extent.
    * en este grado = to this extent.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time, right now.
    * en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
    * en este sentido = along these lines, in this connection, in this direction, in this sense, in this vein, in this spirit, in this regard, in this effort, in that spirit, on this score, to that effect.
    * en estos casos = in these cases.
    * en estos días = today, these days.
    * en estos tiempos = in these times, in this day and age.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * en estuche = boxed.
    * en excelente estado = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en exceso = overflow, overflowing, excessively, excess, to excess.
    * en exclusiva = exclusively.
    * en existencia = in existence.
    * en expansión = expanded.
    * en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
    * en + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal, come + Expresión Temporal.
    * en extensión = in length.
    * en extenso = at length, in full.
    * en extremo = no end, to no end.
    * en fase terminal = terminally ill.
    * en favor de = in favour of.
    * en flor = in full blossom, in blossom.
    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.
    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.
    * en forma de A = A-shaped.
    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.
    * en forma de capa = cape-like.
    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.
    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.
    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.
    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.
    * en forma de D = d-shaped.
    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].
    * en forma de L = L-shaped.
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.
    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.
    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.
    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.
    * en forma de U = U-shaped.
    * en forma de V = V-shaped.
    * en forma física = physically fit.
    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.
    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.
    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * en formato digital = digitally.
    * en formato electrónico = in electronic form.
    * en formato MARC = in MARC form.
    * en formato papel = paper-based, in hard copy.
    * en frente = ahead, in front.
    * en frente de = in front of.
    * en funcionamiento = in operation.
    * en función de = according to, as a function of, depending on/upon.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, all in all, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en germinación = budding.
    * en gestación = in the making.
    * en grado mínimo = minimally.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in record numbers, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte
    * * *
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio)

    viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel — they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel

    viven en la calle Goyathey live on o (BrE) in Goya Street

    nos quedamos en casawe stayed home (AmE), we stayed at home (BrE)

    b) ( dentro de) in
    c) ( sobre) on
    2) (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    a) (indicando tema, especialidad, cualidad)
    b) (indicando proporción, precio)

    lo vendió en $30 — he sold it for $30

    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 — the losses were calculated at $50,000

    a) (indicando estado, manera) in

    en buenas/malas condiciones — in good/bad condition

    en llamas — in flames, on fire

    ir en taxi/barco — to go by taxi/by boat

    fueron en bicicleta — they cycled, they went on their bikes


    ¿lo tienen en azul? — do you have it in blue?

    en la mañana/tarde/noche — (esp AmL) in the morning/afternoon/at night

    * * *
    = in, onto, into, at, throughout.

    Ex: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.

    Ex: When one is in place, the depression of a lever causes it to be photographed onto the next blank space.
    Ex: The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
    Ex: He also resolved to talk with Cleo Passantino, a young librarian who had been at the library for three years and with whom he had had little contact.
    Ex: Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.
    * en absoluto = at all, in the slightest, whatsoever, not at all, in any shape or form.
    * en abstracto = abstractly.
    * en abundancia = in plenty, liberally, in abundance, exuberantly, in profusion, aplenty [a-plenty], prodigiously, plentifully.
    * en activo = practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en adelante = forward [forwards].
    * en agradecimiento por = appreciative of.
    * en alerta roja = on red alert.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en alguna parte = someplace.
    * en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
    * en algún lugar = somewhere, at some point.
    * en algún lugar (de por ahí) = somewhere out there.
    * en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
    * en algunos casos = in some cases.
    * en algunos grupos = in some quarters.
    * en algunos grupos de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sentidos = in some respects.
    * en algunos sitios = in places.
    * en alquiler = rented.
    * en alta mar = on the open sea, offshore, on the high seas.
    * en alza = on the upswing.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en ambos casos = in either case, in either instance.
    * en ángulo = angled.
    * en ángulo recto = at right angles.
    * en antaño = in olden times, in olden days.
    * en antelación = anticipatory.
    * en anticipación = anticipatory.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en apariencia = apparently, looking, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly.
    * en apenas nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en apoyo a = in support of.
    * en apuros = hard-pressed, beleaguered, in deep trouble, in difficulties, if it comes to the crunch, when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, in deep water, in hot water, in dire straits.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at the time, at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * en aras a = in the name of.
    * en aras de = in the interest(s) of.
    * en armonía = harmoniously, in harmony.
    * en armonía con = in harmony with, in harness with, in keeping with, in tune with, in sync with.
    * en ascuas = on tenterhooks.
    * en auge = in ascendancy, buoyant, booming, on the rise, at high tide.
    * en aumento = burgeoning, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, heightening.
    * en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
    * en Babia = absent-minded.
    * en balde = in vain, vainly, to no avail, of no avail.
    * en bandada = in full force.
    * en bandadas = in droves.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en beneficio de = for the benefit of, to the benefit of.
    * en beneficio propio = to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * en bisel = angled.
    * en blanco = blankly, blank.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * en bloque = en bloc.
    * en boga = in vogue, in fashion, voguish.
    * en bolas = stark naked, in the nod, in the buff.
    * en breve = shortly, the long and (the) short of, soon [sooner -comp., soonest -sup.].
    * en broma = teasingly.
    * en buena compañía = in good company.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en cada fase = at each stage.
    * en caída = flowing.
    * en caja = boxed.
    * en caliente = in the heat of the moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * en cama = abed.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en camino = on the way.
    * en cantidad = bulk.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en capilla = on tenterhooks, in suspense.
    * en carnavales = carnivalistically.
    * en carne y hueso = in the flesh.
    * en casa = in the home.
    * en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo = the cobbler's children run barefoot.
    * en casi nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en caso de emergencia = in an emergency, in an emergency situation.
    * en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en CD-ROM = CD-ROM-based.
    * en chirona = behind bars.
    * en ciernes = developing, budding, in the making.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en ciertas circunstancias = in certain circumstances.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en cierto grado = something of.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * en ciertos casos = in certain cases.
    * en cierto sentido = in several respects, to some extent, in a sense, in some respects, to some degree.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en círcuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en circumstancias difíciles = under difficult circumstances.
    * en circunstancias misteriosas = in mysterious circumstances.
    * en circunstancias normales = in the course of events, during the course of events, under normal circumstances.
    * en circusntancias normales = in the normal run of things.
    * en coche = drive.
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en colaboración con, junto con, de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * en color = coloured [colored, -USA], full-colour.
    * en columnas = columnar.
    * en colusión con = in collusion with, in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en coma = comatose.
    * en combinación con = in parallel to/with, in combination with.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * en comparación = by comparison.
    * en comparación con = against, as compared to, set against, in comparison with, in comparison to.
    * en compensación = compensatory.
    * en complicidad con = in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in complicity with, in collusion with, in connivance with.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * en conciencia = in good conscience.
    * en conclusión = in conclusion.
    * en concordancia con = in accordance with, in accord with.
    * en concreto = in particular, to be specific.
    * en condiciones = decent.
    * en condiciones de = in the position to.
    * en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
    * en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * en confidencia = in confidence.
    * en conflicto (con) = in conflict (with).
    * en conformidad con = in conformity with, in keeping with.
    * en conjunción con = in conjunction with, in tandem with.
    * en conjunto = altogether, on balance, bulk, all in all, overall, overall.
    * en conmemoración de = in celebration of, commemorative.
    * en connivencia = colluding.
    * en connivencia con = in collusion with, in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en consecuencia = accordingly, consequently, hence, in consequence, as a consequence (of), it follows that, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * en consecuencia lógica = by implication.
    * en consideración = under consideration.
    * en consideración a = for the sake of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * en consonacia con = in line with.
    * en consonancia con = in concert with, in keeping with, in step with, in tune with, in consonance with.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en constante expansión = ever-expanding, ever-growing.
    * en constante movimiento = on the move, on the go.
    * en construcción = under development, under construction.
    * en contacto = in communication.
    * en contacto con la realidad = in touch with + reality.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en contenedor = containerised [containerized, -USA].
    * en continua expansión = expanding.
    * en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en contra = counterpoint, against.
    * en contra de la guerra = antiwar [anti-war].
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en contra de la raza blanca = anti-white [antiwhite].
    * en contra de la raza negra = antiblack [anti-black].
    * en contra de las circunstancias = against circumstances.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
    * en contraposición a = as opposed to, in contrast (to/with), in contradistinction to.
    * en contraste con = in contrast (to/with).
    * en contravención de = in contravention of.
    * en contubernio (con) = in cahoots (with).
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * en cooperativa = cooperatively [co-operatively].
    * en costras = caked.
    * en crisis = depressed, crisis-ridden, on the rocks.
    * en cuadernillo = in booklet form.
    * en cualquier caso = for that matter, in any event, in any case, in either case.
    * en cualquier domingo = on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier lugar = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily, on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
    * en cualquier orden = either way round.
    * en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
    * en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.
    * en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.
    * en cualquier sitio = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en + Cuantificador + aspectos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en + Cuantificador + sentidos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en cuanto a = as to, in extent of, in regard to, in terms of, in the way of, with regard(s) to, as for, as regards, as to the matter of, in reference to, now as to, moving on to.
    * en cuanto a él = as for him.
    * en cuanto a ella = as for her.
    * en cuanto a ellos = as for them.
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en cuanto a mí = as for me.
    * en cuanto a nosotros = as for us.
    * en cuanto a ti = as for you.
    * en cuanto a usted = as for you.
    * en cuanto a vosotros = as for you.
    * en cuanto + nacer = at birth.
    * en cuanto que = in that.
    * en cuarto lugar = fourthly.
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en cuclicllas = in a squatting position.
    * en cuclillas = squat, in a squat position, in a crouching position.
    * en cueros = in the buff, in the nod, stark naked.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * en cumplimiento con = in line with, in compliance with.
    * en cursiva = in italic type.
    * en curso = in process, underway [under way], in progress, ongoing [on-going], afoot, current, under preparation.
    * en curso de = in course of.
    * en cuyo caso = in which case.
    * en danza = on the run.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * en definitiva = in all, all in all, in the last analysis, in the final analysis, all things considered.
    * en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado = all things considered.
    * en demanda = in-demand.
    * en demasía = excess, to excess, excessively.
    * en desacuerdo = disapproving, at odds.
    * en desacuerdo con = at odds with.
    * en desarmonía con = out of tune with, out of keeping with.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en descomposición = decaying, putrefying.
    * en desesperación = despairing, in despair.
    * en desuso = obsolete, disused.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en deterioro = deteriorating, crumbling, decaying, dilapidated, disintegrating.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en detrimento de = to the detriment of, to + Posesivo + detriment, to the neglect of.
    * en diagonal = herringbone.
    * en días alternos = every other day.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en dificultades = stranded.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en disco = ondisc.
    * en disminución = dwindling, on the wane.
    * en + Distancia + a la redonda = within + Distancia.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en distinto grado = in varying measures, differing, to varying degrees.
    * en distintos formatos = multiform.
    * en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
    * en diversas lenguas = multilingually.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en diverso grado = to varying extents, to varying degrees.
    * en diversos formatos = multiform.
    * en donde = where, wherein.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en dos lenguas = bilingually.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell, in a nutshell.
    * en dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * en duda = in doubt.
    * en edad de trabajar = working-age.
    * en efecto = to all intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * en ejercicio = incumbent, practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en el abandono = in the wilderness.
    * en el acto = ipso facto, outright, on the spot, while-you-wait [while-u-wait], at the drop of a hat.
    * en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.
    * en el ámbito de = in the realm of.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el área de + Lugar = Lugar + area.
    * en el asiento de atrás = in the back seat.
    * en el asiento trasero = in the back seat.
    * en el aula de clase = classroom-based.
    * en el banquillo = on the bench.
    * en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.
    * en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.
    * en el campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el candelero = in the spotlight.
    * en el cargo = in the saddle, in office.
    * en el caso de = for, in association with, in the case of, in the event of, in case of, in the context of.
    * en (el) caso de que = in the event that, should, in case.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el cine = at the movies.
    * en el clima actual de = in the present climate of.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el curso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el curso normal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, = in the normal run of things.
    * en el curso normal de los acontecimientos = in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * en el desierto = in the wilderness.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en el día a día = in the day to day, in the trenches.
    * en el dique seco = in dry dock, in the wilderness.
    * en el eje = at the core (of).
    * en el entorno de = in the realm of.
    * en el escenario = on stage.
    * en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
    * en el espacio = spatially.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en el estudio = at study, at study.
    * en el extranjero = abroad, overseas, offshore.
    * en el extremo opuesto = at the far end.
    * en el fin de semana = over the weekend, over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * en el fondo = at heart, deep down, in the back of + Posesivo + mind, in the back of + Posesivo + head, at the back of + Posesivo + head, bottom line, the, in the bottom.
    * en el fondo de = at the root of.
    * en el futuro = Número + Tiempo + ahead, down the road, in future, in time(s) to come, at + future date, in (the) years to come, at some future time, in the years to come, in the years ahead, in years to come, at some future point, in the future, for future reference, for the years to come.
    * en el futuro a largo plazo = in the long-term future.
    * en el futuro cercano = in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro inmediato = in the offing, in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro lejano = further in the future.
    * en el haber de Uno = under + Posesivo + belt.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el horizonte = on the horizon.
    * en el hospital = at the bedside.
    * en el improbable caso de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el instante en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el ínterin = in the interim, in the intervening years, in the intervening period, ad interim.
    * en el juego = at play.
    * en el lado negativo = on the debit side, on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en ello = therein, thereupon [thereon].
    * en el lugar del accidente = at the scene, at the scene of the accident.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * en el mandato = in office.
    * en el mando = at the wheel.
    * en el mar = at sea.
    * en el marco de = within the ambit of, within the bounds of.
    * en el más allá = dead and gone.
    * en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en el momento = on the spot.
    * en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
    * en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
    * en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
    * en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
    * en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el momento oportuno = at the right time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el mundo = on the face of the earth, on the world stage.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * en el mundo entero = all over the world, worldwide [world-wide], all around the world, throughout the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * en el mundo que nos rodea = out there.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el norte del estado = upstate.
    * en el núcleo = at the core (of).
    * en el ocaso = over the hill.
    * en el ojo del huracán = in the eye of the storm, in the eye of the hurricane.
    * en el orden del día = on the agenda.
    * en el origen (de) = in the early days (of).
    * en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.
    * en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other end of the scale, at the other end of the spectrum, at the other extreme.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * en el pasado = in the past, in past eras, at some point in the past, in years gone by, in days gone by, in former times.
    * en el pasado remoto = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el peor de los casos = at worst, in the worst of circumstances, at + Posesivo + very worst, the worst case scenario, at + Posesivo + worst, in the worst case.
    * en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
    * en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * en el piso de abajo = downstairs.
    * en el piso de arriba = upstairs.
    * en el poder = in office.
    * en el primer caso = in the former case.
    * en el proceso = in the process.
    * en el propio campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el propio cortijo = on-farm.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead, in the coming year.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en el punto álgido de = at the height of.
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el que = wherein.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * en el quinto coño = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quinto pino = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quirófano = under the knife.
    * en el resto = everywhere else.
    * en el resto de = elsewhere.
    * en el seguimiento de = in the pursuit of.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en el seno de = within, among.
    * en el sentido de las agujas del reloj = clockwise.
    * en el sentido de que = in the sense that, along the lines that, in that.
    * en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en el sentido que = in which.
    * en el timón = in the saddle.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * en el transcurso de = throughout the course of, throughout the course of, in the course of, during the course of, over the course of, throughout.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en el transcurso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el transcurso de los siglos = over the course of the centuries.
    * en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.
    * en el trasfondo de = at the root of.
    * en el último caso = in the latter case.
    * en el último minuto = last minute [last-minute], at the last minute.
    * en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
    * en el umbral de = on the threshold of.
    * en el vuelo = in-flight.
    * en entrante = recessed.
    * en entredicho = under challenge.
    * en episodios = episodic.
    * en época de carnaval = carnivalistically.
    * en época de feria = carnivalistically.
    * en época de paz = in peacetime, during peacetime.
    * en épocas anteriores = in former times, in past eras.
    * en épocas de = in times of.
    * en épocas de guerra = in time(s) of war.
    * en épocas de paz = in time(s) of peace.
    * en épocas de prosperidad económica = in affluent times.
    * en épocas difíciles = in times of need.
    * en épocas pasadas = in past ages.
    * en escamas = flaky.
    * en ese caso = in that case.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then, at that point in time.
    * en esencia = in essence, essentially.
    * en ese sentido = on that score, to that effect.
    * en esos casos = in those cases.
    * en espacios cerrados = indoors.
    * en especial = especially (specially), notably, specially (especially).
    * en especie = in kind.
    * en espera = on hold.
    * en espiga = herringbone.
    * en esta coyuntura = at this juncture.
    * en estado = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de abandono = decaying, dilapidated, dilapidated.
    * en estado de alerta = on alert.
    * en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * en estado de descomposición = decaying.
    * en estado de deterioro = decaying, dilapidated.
    * en estado de reserva = on standby.
    * en estado de reserva, en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de sitio = in a state of siege, under siege.
    * en estado embrionario = embryo, embryonic, in embryonic stage, in embryo, in the embryo stage.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en estas circunstancias = under these circumstances.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * en este caso = in this case.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en este documento = herein, herewith, hereto.
    * en este extremo = to this extent.
    * en este grado = to this extent.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time, right now.
    * en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
    * en este sentido = along these lines, in this connection, in this direction, in this sense, in this vein, in this spirit, in this regard, in this effort, in that spirit, on this score, to that effect.
    * en estos casos = in these cases.
    * en estos días = today, these days.
    * en estos tiempos = in these times, in this day and age.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * en estuche = boxed.
    * en excelente estado = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en exceso = overflow, overflowing, excessively, excess, to excess.
    * en exclusiva = exclusively.
    * en existencia = in existence.
    * en expansión = expanded.
    * en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
    * en + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal, come + Expresión Temporal.
    * en extensión = in length.
    * en extenso = at length, in full.
    * en extremo = no end, to no end.
    * en fase terminal = terminally ill.
    * en favor de = in favour of.
    * en flor = in full blossom, in blossom.
    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.
    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.
    * en forma de A = A-shaped.
    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.
    * en forma de capa = cape-like.
    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.
    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.
    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.
    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.
    * en forma de D = d-shaped.
    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].
    * en forma de L = L-shaped.
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.
    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.
    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.
    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.
    * en forma de U = U-shaped.
    * en forma de V = V-shaped.
    * en forma física = physically fit.
    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.
    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.
    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * en formato digital = digitally.
    * en formato electrónico = in electronic form.
    * en formato MARC = in MARC form.
    * en formato papel = paper-based, in hard copy.
    * en frente = ahead, in front.
    * en frente de = in front of.
    * en funcionamiento = in operation.
    * en función de = according to, as a function of, depending on/upon.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, all in all, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en germinación = budding.
    * en gestación = in the making.
    * en grado mínimo = minimally.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in record numbers, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte

    * * *
    (refiriéndose a una ciudad, un edificio): viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel
    en el quinto piso on the sixth ( AmE) o ( BrE) fifth floor
    viven en la calle Goya they live on o ( BrE) in Goya Street
    nos quedamos en casa we stayed home ( AmE), we stayed at home ( BrE)
    métete en la cama get into bed
    lo puso en una caja he put it in a box
    metió la mano en el conducto she stuck her hand into ( o down etc) the pipe
    3 (sobre) on
    lo puso en la mesa/pared he put it on the table/wall
    se sentó en una silla/en un sillón she sat down on a chair/in an armchair
    tendrás que dormir en el suelo you'll have to sleep on the floor
    se le nota en la cara you can see it in his face
    1 (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    vivir en armonía con la naturaleza to live in harmony with nature
    de … en …: van de casa en casa/de puerta en puerta pidiendo dinero they go from house to house/from door to door asking for money
    nos tienes de sorpresa en sorpresa you're full of surprises
    1 ‹un tema/una especialidad/una cualidad›
    es licenciado en filosofía he has a degree in philosophy
    es un experto en la materia he's an expert on the subject
    es muy bueno en historia he's very good at history
    supera a su hermana en inteligencia she surpasses her sister in intelligence
    2 ‹una proporción/un precio›
    ha aumentado en un diez por ciento it has gone up by ten per cent
    me lo vendió en $30 he sold it to me for $30
    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 the losses were calculated at $50,000
    1 ‹un estado/una manera› in
    en buenas/malas condiciones in good/bad condition
    un edificio en llamas a building in flames o on fire
    nos recibió en camisón he received us in his nightshirt
    con los músculos en tensión with (his) muscles tensed
    en posición vertical in an upright position
    (con forma de): termina en punta it's pointed, it ends in o comes to a point
    colóquense en círculo get into o in a circle
    Luis Girón en el Alcalde Luis Girón as the Mayor
    pensamos ir en taxi/en coche/en barco we plan to go by taxi/by car/by boat
    ¿fueron en tren? — no, en avión did you go by train? — no, by plane o no, we flew
    fueron en bicicleta they cycled, they went on their bikes
    fuimos a dar una vuelta en coche we went for a drive o we went for a ride in the car
    (expresando el material): un modelo realizado en seda natural an outfit in natural silk
    ¿lo tienen en azul/(un) 38? do you have it in blue/a 38?
    una obra en tres actos a play in three acts
    ¿cuánto pesas en kilos? how much do you weigh in kilos?
    en ruso/en el código Morse in Russian/in Morse Code
    (en expresiones de tiempo): en verano in (the) summer
    en mayo/1947 in May/1947
    en varias ocasiones on several occasions
    llegó justo en ese momento she arrived just at that moment, just then she arrived
    en la mañana/tarde ( esp AmL); in the morning/afternoon
    en la noche ( esp AmL); at night
    no vi a nadie en todo el día I didn't see anybody all day
    no hay nada de malo en lo que hacen there's nothing wrong in what they're doing
    en + INF:
    tardó media hora en resolverlo it took her half an hour to work it out
    siempre es el último en salir he's always the last to leave
    (con complementos de persona): en él ha encontrado un amigo she's found a friend in him
    problemas que se dan en las personas de edad problems which affect old people
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    en preposición
    1 ( en expresiones de lugar)
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio):

    viven en París/en el número diez/en un hotel they live in Paris/at number ten/in a hotel;

    en el último piso on the top floor;
    está en la calle Goya it's on o (BrE) in Goya Street;
    en casa at home
    b) ( dentro de) in;

    c) ( sobre) on;

    se le nota en la cara you can see it in his face
    2 (expresando circunstancias, ambiente) in;

    a) (indicando tema, especialidad):

    doctor en derecho Doctor of Law
    b) (indicando proporción, precio):

    en dólares in dollars
    a) (indicando estado, manera) in;

    en llamas in flames, on fire

    colóquense en círculo get into o in a circle

    fueron en bicicleta they cycled, they went on their bikes;
    dimos una vuelta en coche we went for a ride in the car

    una escultura en bronce a bronze (sculpture)

    en azul/ruso in blue/Russian

    6 ( con expresiones de tiempo):

    en varias ocasiones on several occasions;
    en la mañana/noche (esp AmL) in the morning/at night

    fuí el último en salir I was the last to leave

    en preposición
    1 (lugar) in, on, at: nos encontramos en el autobús, we met on the bus
    en Barcelona/Río, in Barcelona/Rio
    en el cajón, in the drawer
    en casa/el trabajo, at home/work
    (sobre) en la mesa, on the table
    2 (tiempo) in, on, at: cae en lunes, it falls on a Monday
    en 1975, in 1975
    en ese preciso instante, at that very moment
    en un minuto, in a minute
    en primavera, in spring
    LAm en la mañana, in the morning
    3 (modo) en bata, in a dressing gown
    en francés, in French
    en serio, seriously
    4 (medio) by, in: puede venir en avión/ coche/metro/tren, she can come by air/car/tube/train
    ¿por qué no vienes en avión?, why don't you fly?
    5 (movimiento) into: entró en la habitación, he went into the room
    entró en escena, he went on stage
    6 (tema, materia) at, in
    es muy bueno en matemáticas, he's very good at maths
    experto en finanzas, expert in finances
    7 (partición, fases) in: hicimos el viaje en dos etapas, we did the journey in two stages
    8 (de... en...) entraremos de tres en tres, we shall go in three by three
    9 (con infinitivo) fue rápido en desenfundar, he was quick to pull out
    se le nota la timidez en el hablar, you can notice his shyness by the way he speaks
    'en' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatimiento
    - abdicar
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abogar
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abordar
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - absorta
    - absorto
    - abstracta
    - abstracto
    - abstraída
    - abstraído
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - abundancia
    - abundante
    - abusar
    - acabar
    - academia
    - acariciar
    - acceder
    - acentuar
    - achantarse
    - achatamiento
    - achuchar
    - acoger
    - acomodar
    - acompañar
    - aconsejar
    - acontecer
    - acordar
    - acordarse
    - acostada
    - acostado
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - aback
    - abdicate
    - abide
    - ablaze
    - able
    - above
    - above-board
    - abreast
    - abroad
    - abscess
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolutely
    - absorbed
    - abstract
    - abundant
    - academic
    - academy
    - accent
    - access
    - account
    - accustom
    - acknowledgement
    - acquiesce
    - acquire
    - act
    - acting
    - action
    - active
    - actually
    - add
    - add in
    - addition
    - adept
    - adequate
    - administration
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advantage
    - adventure
    - advertise
    - advertising
    - affair
    - affect
    - afford
    - afloat
    - afraid
    - after
    * * *
    EN nm (abrev de Encuentro Nacional)
    = Paraguayan political party
    * * *
    1 ( dentro de) in;
    en un mes in a month;
    en junio in June;
    en casa at home;
    en el cielo in heaven
    2 ( sobre) on;
    en la mesa on the table;
    en la calle on the street, Br tb in the street
    en coche/tren by car/train
    en inglés in English;
    póngamelo en la cuenta put it on my account;
    aumentar en un 10 % grow (by) 10%, increase (by) 10%
    * * *
    en prep
    1) : in
    en el bolsillo: in one's pocket
    en una semana: in a week
    2) : on
    en la mesa: on the table
    3) : at
    en casa: at home
    en el trabajo: at work
    en ese momento: at that moment
    * * *
    en prep
    ¿en qué calle vives? which street do you live in?
    2. (edificios, fiestas específicas) at
    3. (superficies, días concretos) on

    Spanish-English dictionary > en

  • 6 угол

    angle, corner
    * * *
    у́гол м.
    1. (фигура, образованная двумя сторонами) мат. angle
    у́гол в, напр. 65° — an angle of, e. g., 65°
    дели́ть у́гол попола́м — bisect an angle
    у́гол, заключё́нный ме́жду … — the angle contained by …
    образо́вывать у́гол — form an angle
    две стороны́ образу́ют у́гол — two sides form an angle
    образо́вывать у́гол с … — make an angle with …
    у́гол опира́ется на хо́рду — the angle is subtended by the chord
    откла́дывать у́гол — lay off an angle
    повернуть(ся) на у́гол … — turn [rotate] through [by] an angle of …
    под угло́м … гра́дусов к о́си — at an angle of … degrees with an axis
    проводи́ть [стро́ить] у́гол, напр. по транспорти́ру — draw an angle, e. g., with a protractor
    составля́ть у́гол — make an angle of … with
    у́гол стя́гивается дуго́й — the angle is sustended by the arc
    2. (место пересечения двух предметов, двух сторон, стык двух стен и т. п.) corner
    аперту́рный у́гол — angular aperture, aperture angle
    у́гол ата́ки аргд. — angle of attack, angle of incidence
    у́гол ата́ки ди́сковой бороны́ с.-х.angle of harrow
    у́гол ата́ки, докрити́ческий — angle of incidence below stalling
    у́гол ата́ки, закрити́ческий — angle of incidence beyond stalling
    у́гол ата́ки, крити́ческий — angle of attack of maximum lift, angle of stall
    брэ́гговский у́гол — Bragg angle
    вале́нтный у́гол — valence angle
    ве́кторный у́гол — vectorial angle
    вертика́льный у́гол — vertical angle
    у́гол взма́ха ло́пасти ( несущего винта) ав.flapping angle
    у́гол визи́рования — angle of sight, angle of view
    у́гол внедре́ния ( ковша экскаватора) — angle of dig (of an excavator bucket)
    вне́шний у́гол — exterior angle
    вну́тренний у́гол — interior angle
    у́гол возмуще́ний аргд.Mach angle
    впи́санный у́гол — inscribed angle
    у́гол враще́ния — angle of rotation
    вспомога́тельный у́гол (резца, в плане) — side cut angle
    у́гол вхо́да — entrance [inlet] angle
    у́гол вхо́да ватерли́нии — angle of entrance of a water-line
    входя́щий у́гол геод.reentering (reentrant) angle
    у́гол вы́хода — outlet [exit] angle
    у́гол вы́хода ватерли́нии — angle of run of the water-line
    у́гол вы́хода (волны́) — angle of departure of a wave
    у́гол галопи́рования ( наземного транспорта) — angle of pitch
    геоцентри́ческий у́гол — geocentric(al) angle
    гла́вный у́гол (резца, в плане) — plan approach angle
    у́гол глисса́ды — glide slope
    у́гол голо́вки зу́ба ( конической шестерни) — addendum angle
    у́гол давле́ния ( в зубчатом зацеплении) — pressure angle
    двугра́нный у́гол — dihedron, dihedral angle
    у́гол дели́тельного ко́нуса — pitch cone angle
    диастимометри́ческий у́гол геод., опт. — deviating [stadia] wedge
    дирекцио́нный у́гол картогр. — direction [position] angle; grid azimuth, y-azimuth
    у́гол диффере́нта мор.trim angle
    у́гол диэлектри́ческих поте́рь — dielectric loss angle
    дополни́тельный у́гол — (дополняет до 90°) complementary angle; (дополняет до 180°) supplementary angle; (дополняет до 360°) conjugate angle
    у́гол AOB явля́ется дополни́тельным к углу́ BOC — angle AOB is the complement of angle BOC
    у́гол 35° явля́ется дополни́тельным к углу́ 55° — 35° is complementary to 55°, 55° is complementary to 35°
    у́гол дре́йфа мор. — drift [leeway] angle
    у́гол есте́ственного отко́са — angle [slope] of repose
    за́дний у́гол — ( резца) end-clearance angle; ( сверла) lip-relief angle; ( рыхлителя) heel clearance
    за́дний, вспомога́тельный у́гол — end rake angle
    за́дний, гла́вный у́гол — side rake angle
    у́гол зажига́ния ( тиратрона) — firing angle
    у́гол зазо́ра — clearance angle
    у́гол зака́та диагра́ммы стати́ческой осто́йчивости мор.angle of vanishing stability
    у́гол закру́чивания — twist [torsion] angle
    у́гол заостре́ния зу́ба — ( сверла) lip [wedge] angle; ( пилы) angle of tooth point
    у́гол запа́здывания по фа́зе — lag angle
    у́гол засе́чки геод. — angle of crossing, intersection angle
    углы́ зато́чки резца́ — tool angles
    у́гол захва́та — ( валков) прок. angle of bite; ( щековой дробилки) nip angle
    защи́тный у́гол ( троса заземления ЛЭП) — shielding angle
    у́гол зе́ва ( валков) прок.angle of bite
    у́гол зре́ния — angle of view
    у́гол зубча́того зацепле́ния — pressure angle
    у́гол изги́ба — bend angle
    у́гол килева́тости мор. — deadrise [rise-of-floor] angle
    у́гол конверге́нции — angle of convergence
    у́гол ко́нусности — taper [cone, included-cone] angle
    координа́тный у́гол — quadrantal angle, quadrant
    у́гол кре́на
    1. ав. ( при развороте) angle of bank; ( в прямолинейном полёте) angle of roll
    2. авто roll [lean] angle
    3. мор. ( в статике) heeling angle; ( в качке) roll(ing) angle
    у́гол кривизны́ — angle of curvature
    крити́ческий у́гол — critical angle
    курсово́й у́гол навиг.relative bearing
    курсово́й у́гол радиоста́нции [КУР] навиг.radio bearing
    у́гол Ма́ха — Mach angle
    межплоскостно́й у́гол ( кристалла) — interfacial angle
    мё́ртвый у́гол автоdead angle
    у́гол ме́ста — (angle of) elevation
    у́гол ме́стности — angle of site
    у́гол наблюде́ния — observation [viewing] angle
    у́гол наиме́ньшего отклоне́ния ( призмы) — angle of minimum deflection
    у́гол накло́на (кривой, траектории и т. п.) — slope
    у́гол накло́на винтово́й кана́вки ( сверла) — angle of flute helix
    у́гол накло́на о́си обо́ймы щёткодержа́теля эл.contact bevel angle
    у́гол накло́на судово́го тра́па — angle of attack
    у́гол накло́на траекто́рии полё́та — slope of the flight path
    увели́чивать у́гол накло́на траекто́рии полё́та — steepen the slope of the flight path
    на́крест лежа́щий у́гол — alternate angle
    у́гла напластова́ния горн.bedding angle
    направля́ющий у́гол — direction angle
    у́гол напыле́ния ( между осью струи и покрываемой поверхностью) — spraying angle
    у́гол насыще́ния ( дросселя с насыщением) — firing angle
    у́гол но́жки зу́ба — dedendum angle
    у́гол обзо́ра — angle of aspect, angle of view, angle of sight
    у́гол обруше́ния горн.inbreak angle
    у́гол обхва́та ( шкива ремнём) — angle of contact, wrapping angle
    у́гол опереже́ния — angle of lead, advance angle, angle of advance
    о́стрый у́гол — acute angle
    у́гол отки́дки ло́пасти ( гребного винта) — rake angle
    у́гол отклоне́ния руля́ высоты́ — elevator angle
    у́гол отклоне́ния руля́ направле́ния — rudder angle
    у́гол отклоне́ния элеро́на — aileron angle
    у́гол отко́са — angle of slope, angle of repose
    у́гол отсе́чки — элк. брит. angle of (anode) current flow; амер. operating angle
    у́гол отсе́чки составля́ет 90° — the angle of current flow [operating angle] is 180° (Примечание. При переводе величина угла умножается на два.)
    у́гол отстава́ния — angle of lag
    у́гол паде́ния
    1. (света, волны и т. п) angle of incidence
    2. горн. pitch angle, angle of dip
    пере́дний у́гол ( резца) — rake
    пло́ский у́гол — plane [flat] angle
    у́гол поворо́та ( транспортного средства) — turning angle
    у́гол поворо́та стрелы́ ( крана) — angle of swing of a boom
    у́гол подъё́ма ( линии витка) — helix angle
    у́гол по́лного вну́треннего отраже́ния — critical angle for total reflection
    у́гол по́лной поляриза́ции — angle of polarization, Brewster angle
    по́лный у́гол (360°) — perigon, round angle
    у́гол положе́ния — position angle, angle of situation, angle of site
    поля́рный у́гол ( в системе полярных координат) — vectorial angle
    пополни́тельный у́гол (до 180°) — supplementary angle
    у́гол ABC и у́гол CBD явля́ются пополни́тельными — angle CBD and angle CBD are supplementary to each other
    у́гол AOC явля́ется пополни́тельным к углу́ BOC — angle AOC is the supplement of angle BOC
    у́гол в 135° явля́ется пополни́тельным для угла́ 45° — 135° is supplementary to 45°
    у́гол поса́дки ( рессоры) — seat angle
    у́гол по́ступи ( гребного винта) — advance angle
    у́гол пота́птывания ( наземного транспорта) — angle of roll
    у́гол поте́рь эл [m2]. — loss angle
    у́гол поте́рь диэле́ктрика — dielectric loss angle
    преде́льный у́гол опт.critical angle
    у́гол приведе́ния — related [reference] angle
    у́гол при верши́не — apex [apical, vertex] angle
    у́гол при верши́не в пла́не ( резца) — nose angle
    у́гол привя́зки геод.angle of connection
    у́гол при́змы, отклоня́ющий — angle of a prism, prism angle
    прилежа́щий у́гол — adjacent angle
    у́гол при обра́тной засе́чке геод. — back [reciprocal] angle, back bearing
    у́гол при основа́нии — base angle
    у́гол притека́ния аргд.flow incidence
    у́гол пролё́та ( электрона) — transit angle
    простра́нственный у́гол — solid angle
    противолежа́щий у́гол — opposite angle
    у́гол проходи́мости, за́дний — angle of departure
    у́гол проходи́мости, пере́дний — angle of approach
    прямо́й у́гол (90°) — right angle
    путево́й у́гол навиг.course
    путево́й, за́данный у́гол — course set, course required, Co. Req.
    путево́й, и́стинный у́гол — true course
    путево́й, факти́ческий у́гол — брит. course made good
    у́гол рабо́чего ко́нуса воло́кон — drawing taper
    у́гол разва́ла бло́ков — included angle of cylinders
    у́гол разва́ла борто́в су́дна — angle of flare
    у́гол разва́ла кла́панов — included angle of valves
    у́гол разва́ла колё́с — angle of camber
    развё́рнутый у́гол — straight [flat] angle
    у́гол разворо́та — angle of turn
    у́гол разде́лки кро́мок свар. — groove [bevel] angle
    у́гол разно́са ( факела) — divergence angle
    у́гол раскры́ва ЭЛТ — bulb angle of a CRT
    у́гол распыле́ния струи́ — spray-cone angle
    у́гол рассе́яния — angle of deflection, scattering angle
    у́гол рассогласова́ния автмт.error angle
    у́гол раство́ра анте́нны — beamwidth of the antenna
    у́гол раство́ра диагра́ммы напра́вленности анте́нны на у́ровне полови́нной мо́щности — beamwidth at [between] halfpower points
    у́гол раство́ра ко́нуса — opening of a cone
    у́гол раство́ра пучка́ элк.beam angle
    ра́стровый у́гол полигр.screen angle
    у́гол растру́ба — angle of flare
    у́гол расхожде́ния — divergence angle
    у́гол расхожде́ния электро́нного пучка́, полови́нный ( в ЭЛТ) — half-angle subtended by the beam
    у́гол ре́зания ( резца) — cutting angle
    у́гол ре́зания, за́дний — relief angle, clearance
    у́гол ре́зания, пере́дний — hock angle
    у́гол рыхле́ния с.-х.ripping angle
    у́гол сближе́ния меридиа́нов — angle of convergence, convergent [mapping] thetal angle
    у́гол сва́ливания ( самолета) — angle of stall
    у́гол сви́вки кана́та — lay angle of a rope
    у́гол сдви́га фаз — phase shift
    у́гол скольже́ния — ( по наклонной плоскости) angle of slide; ( гребного винта) slip angle
    у́гол скольже́ния волны́ ( между падающим лучом и поверхностью) — grazing angle of a wave
    у́гол ско́са кро́мки — bevel angle
    сме́жный у́гол — adjacent angle
    у́гол ABC явля́ется сме́жным (по отноше́нию) к углу́ CBD — angle ABC is adjacent to angle CBD
    у́гол сно́са — angle of drift
    соотве́тственный у́гол — corresponding angle
    сре́занный у́гол ( дефект формы листа) прок.cut angle
    у́гол сры́ва пото́ка аргд.angle of stall
    теле́сный у́гол — solid angle
    тупо́й у́гол — obtuse angle
    у́гол упрежде́ния — lead angle
    у́гол упрежде́ния сно́са ав.crab angle
    устраня́ть у́гол упрежде́ния сно́са — decrab, kick off drift
    у́гол устано́вки, нивелиро́вочный (крыла, хвостового оперения и т. п.) — брит. rigging angle of incidence; амер. incidence
    фа́зовый у́гол — phase angle
    центра́льный у́гол — central angle
    часово́й у́гол астр.hour angle
    ша́говый у́гол ( гребного винта) — pitch angle
    углы́ Э́йлера — Eulerian angles
    экваториа́льный у́гол — equator angle
    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > угол

См. также в других словарях:

  • At right angles — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • line — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a continuous mark or band made on a surface (drew a line). 2 use of lines in art, esp. draughtsmanship or engraving (boldness of line). 3 a thing resembling such a mark esp. a furrow or wrinkle. 4 Mus. a each of (usu. five)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Right line — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Right — (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Right and left — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Right and left coupling — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Right angle — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Right ascension — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Right Center — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Right cone — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Right cylinder — Right Right (r[imac]t), a. [OE. right, riht, AS. riht; akin to D. regt, OS. & OHG. reht, G. recht, Dan. ret, Sw. r[ a]tt, Icel. r[ e]ttr, Goth. ra[ i]hts, L. rectus, p. p. of regere to guide, rule; cf. Skr. [.r]ju straight, right. [root]115. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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